Page 26 of Conquer or Die

“How are you feeling?” I asked softly, they nodded their heads smiling. “Better knowing you’re safe” Mama spoke up, I bit my bottom lip. I’m safe for now. “Knowing our girl, she’ll be running after danger soon enough” Papa made a joke even though I don’t think he was trying to be funny.

“Either way I’m a lot stronger than before” I tried reassuring them, but the mere mention made them cringe. “What exactly happened?” I asked him cautiously.

Papa sighed “I don’t know how much of it I can relive before having an episode or if it will trigger anything but” he took a deep breath before patting the bed ushering me to sit next to him.

I hesitantly obliged and sat next to him, unsure if I really wanted to hear what happened. I looked up at my father anyway and waited for him to continue. “After that day … the day you saw him do what he did” he paraphrased it trying to remain calm. “Dad, you don’t have too” I reassured him once more that he can stop if it was too uncomfortable for him. “It’s okay it’s good if I can talk about it. You have a right to know” he assured me taking in another deep breath he continued.


Mario’s POV

I knelt in front of the bastard, Sofia kneeled beside me giving me a reassuring squeeze. “You’ll never get away with this” she shouted at him. He laughed smug pressing the gun further into her forehead “oh dear, I already have” I grunt and push him away from her.

“Don’t touch my wife” I warned him, he cocked an eyebrow up looking at me before rubbing his chest where I had pushed him. “Fine, I won’t have too anyway. What I have planned for the both of you will be much worse than death.” He threatened.

I rolled my eyes “what you will do won’t be anything new. We have dealt with much worse from more powerful people than you” I smirked. You either fear what’s in front of you or make it fear you.

I do not fear anything. “I don’t want the two of you. Don’t flatter yourself Mario” he laughed out, looking at his watch like he was waiting for something. “What are you waiting for?” I asked analysing him.

“My desired target. If she is the girl, I think she, is she won’t sit waiting to see what happens, she will run through those doors with a gun wanting to save her precious parents. Like she did that night” My eyes widened realising what he wanted.

“If you so much as look at my daughter, so help me god I will burn you!” I shouted standing up. He took the gun off safety pointing it, Sofia. “Sit down” he warned me. I hesitantly kneeled back down, “what do you want from Isabella. She’s only fifteen” Sofia looked helpless. I never felt more ashamed than I did right now, a man threatening my wife and my daughter’s life and I can’t do anything to stop it.

“That day she shot my men, she got me excited. I never met or seen a girl with so much potential. So much power in her little pinkie than most people possess in their whole bodies. That night was the night I made the decision” He explained proudly like he somehow was responsible for Isabella’s power.

“What decision?” I spat.

“To make her mine” he laughed out, “I feel in love with her from that night, and I won’t rest until she’s mine. She will single handily grow my gang with her influence, strength, and unmatched power. Then once I break her enough, she will fall for me like I have for her” he smiled off into the distance.

“You’ll have to kill me before I ever let that happen” I warned him, no one was to touch Isabella or Maria. I don’t care if I have to die to protect my girls, if so, much as a single hair is moved from their angelic head, I will raise hell on earth.

“I plan on it don’t worry, but slowly. If my plan is to work, she will come looking for me after I fake your deaths. Once I have her in my possession I will break her, I will torture her and the two of you will hear and witness it all. I won’t let you see it, but I will make sure you hear her screams. Knowing she’s going through all this to avenge the two of you, and when she rebels because eventually, she will. I will reveal the two of you to keep her in control.” He further explained.

Fake our deaths? Break Isabella? Torture her? Diego do not let Isabella go. I prayed she is somewhere safe before my heart shattered into a million pieces seeing her burst in with a gun in her hand. “Isabella get out!” I yelled she stood there frozen in place shaking her head no, my heart tugged looking at her crying.

The man snickered never looking at Isabella he extended his arm and aimed a gun at myself. “This empire will be mine” he mumbled. "I'll be nice ... any last words?"

I didn’t know what to do. To warn her, either way I know my daughter I know the fight and power she possesses I know she won’t rest until she avenged us.

“Isabella, our sweet girl. Our absence will be strong and warm, and it will hold you. It will teach you how to miss, how to be without and how to survive anyway.” I spoke out, “Cry if you must, then let your grief be taken over by love. Remember the love we had for you and Maria, let it guide you. Let it comfort you and never let it die. We might be leaving you now, but we will always ... always be right there. Watching over you, protecting you and watching you become who you were destined to be.” I looked at her hoping she would take my advice and move on with life.

“No, because you're not leaving me” she cried out.

“Isabella baby, never forget how much we love you. No matter what we’ll always be by your side, watching over you and your sister. Throughout the rest of your life, we will be right behind you. You may not see us but be sure we will be right there, watching you grow, hugging you when you're sad, kissing the pain away and protecting you for all eternity. Nothing's changed! The only thing that will be different is we will have wings while we watch over you and Maria ... and no matter what we are proud of the both of you.” Sofia spoke up trying to instal the value of letting go.

“We love you” we both spoke up in together. He snickered shooting the gun at both of our chest.

“NO!” Isabella’s shriek was the last thing I heard before it all went black.

I’m so sorry Isabella.


Isabella’s POV

I jumped back when my dad suddenly started screaming as he got to the end of his story, “ISABELLA, NO IM SORRY” He screamed out hitting himself as he screamed out, Mama watched in horror trying to calm him down. The doctors rushed back in and sedated him and my mum as she started screaming because of dad’s outburst. I was rushed out of the room unable to speak, unable to hug my parents and tell them it’s okay. That everything that happened wasn’t their fault. I narrowed my eyes and marched out of the clinic. This was his fault he may not have killed my parents, but he took them from me.

His death is long overdue and its game time. I rushed back seeing everyone loading up and getting ready to go, I quickly jumped in the range with Vincenzo and Lorenzo. “You ready?” Vincenzo asked me, I nodded my head and kept my head straight. He eyed me sceptically but chose to stay silent. “Bullseye, I need you and your team in position once you give us the okay, I want everyone to move in from different entry points.” Vincenzo spoke into the earpiece.