“Damn it Riggs,” my dad groans, “at least change course, you’re going to make a tread in the carpet,” and I hear my brothers laugh and my mom tut.
“I can’t relax,” I stop suddenly and turn to face my family. “We should never have let her go with him,” my chest heaves and I feel sick to my stomach.
“She’s a grown woman Riggs,” my mom pipes up and I narrow my gaze on her.
“Oh okay,” I throw my hands up, “so that makes a difference then?” my brows furrow, my lips turn up in confusion at what just came out of her mouth.
“Give it twenty and we will hop in the truck and head over to where they’re eating dinner. I put a tracker on her phone anyway so we can keep an eye on her.”
“You done what?” Tripp turns to look at our younger brother Pacey and my lips twitch.
“Yeah, contacted some dudes in New York and asked them to put a tracker in her phone.”
“Some dudes?” Tripp’s brows raise.
“Yeah, a firm called…” he pauses as he slips his phone out of his dirty jeans and scrolls, his cap turned backwards making him look more like an adolescent teen than he normally does. “Mills, Spencer, King.”
“Is that some made up company? You sure you haven’t been scammed?” Tripp asks and I scrub my face.
“Nah, I checked it all out and popped their address on the world wide web and it all checked out.”
“Did it now?” I ask.
“Yeah, it’s all legit. Don’t you old fuckers worry about this tech stuff, I have us covered,” he winks before sitting back in his chair proud as punch.
“Goddamn it, what did I do to get three hellions like you lot,” my dad groans as he stands up and strolls towards his crystal decanter, popping the topper before pouring himself a rather large glass.
“Orla,” he calls out, holding the decanter up and she gives him a nod, he turns back round and pours her a large glass too.
I clear my throat a little louder than usual and I hear Tripp snigger and Pacey looks up and round the room.
“My throat is ever so dry…” I cough again.
“Parched. I am parched,” Tripp joins in and it takes Pacey a moment or two to catch up.
“I feel like I have swallowed a desert.”
“Oh, give it up you three, you’re going out in a minute,” my dad waves us off as he begins to walk away, my mom rolling her eyes and smirking as she follows him.
“They’re so over our shit,” a laugh rumbles through me.
“Yup,” Tripp laughs and Pacey just sits back shaking his head.
A few minutes tick by and silence fills the room.
“Time to go yet?”
Pacey rolls his eyes.
“Let’s go,” Tripp slaps his hands on his thighs before he stands up, “because you’re doing my head in,” he slaps me on the back and lets a laugh slip past his lips.
Pacey eyes me as he stops in front of me and I keep my cool.
He knows I’ve always had feelings for Aspen.
He just didn’t like that it was me she wanted and not him.
And I hate that when he finds out, it’ll crush him inside.