Page 74 of Wildest Love

“Riggs, I’m just going for dinner,” my voice is quiet.

“I know Dinks, but just be careful. Keep your wits about you at all times.” He lowers his voice, his eyes hooded.

“Yeah I will,” I nod.

“Okay, good. I’ll tail ya.”

“No,” I shake my head from side to side as I pull my elbow from his tightening grip slowly. “He knows your trucks, you’ll blow it all in five minutes.”

He sighs and fully drops his head so I can’t see his pretty eyes anymore.

“Oh,” Tripp calls out and stands in front of me which causes Riggs to turn away and walk back over to Pacey. “Nearly forgot to give you this,” his smile is crooked as he slips me a mobile phone. “I know you don’t have one, and well, it would be silly for you to go into this without any way of contacting us. Mine, Pacey and Riggs’ numbers are in here, as well as Austin’s and your parents’.” I take the phone from him and give it a once over. Feels weird having a phone again. I have been so used to being disconnected to the outside world that suddenly I feel weighted by it.

“If you’re in trouble, drop us a two-ring call. We will be there within seconds.”

My lips twist, “Well, not seconds… it’s at least a ten-minute drive.” When I lift my eyes to look at Tripp and his brothers, they all have a stern look on their faces. “Of course, you’ll be sitting outside the restaurant.” I roll my eyes and I can’t hide my laugh.

“You know it, now go… you don’t wanna be late for your date,” he gives me a quick wink and flashes his cheeky smile and I take that as my cue to leave, ignoring the low rumble of a growl that leaves Riggs.

Climbing into the McLaren, I smile as the engine roars and as I pull out I see the Rivera brothers standing in the dimly lit doorway. I give them a salute through the driver’s window as I push on the gas and drive a little faster down the winding driveway than I should. Turning left onto the road, I boot it down the empty country lanes and head for town. Nerves consume me but I need to focus on the task. A little sigh slips out of me as I pull into a spot a little further down from Sunny’s. I don’t want Clay to see me and blow it within the first few minutes.

Locking the obscenely out of place car, I make my way down the sidewalk, my heeled pumps clicking along the concrete, the soft spring breeze dancing in the leaves and a small smile plays against my lips. I wish I was with Riggs and I was meeting him outside Sunny’s. I wanna say that I hate that I have fallen for him again and so quickly, but the truth is, I don’t hate it at all.

I have always been smitten with Riggs, but I am scared in case this doesn’t work out. We have never done this before, we were only ever friends and now, well… we’re… I don’t even know what we are. A lot happened between us all, me with Pacey, Riggs with Harlow…

“Hey, Aspen!” I hear Clay’s voice float towards me and my thoughts shut down in an instant. I hold my hand up to greet him, my legs carrying me a little quicker now as I close the gap between us. He is dressed in a dark navy suit, his black hair is slicked back like it was on Friday and he still looks every bit businessman. I would be lying if I said he wasn’t easy on the eye, but he is no Riggs. I prefer the rough and rugged type it seems, and Clay is a little too clean shaven for me. He doesn’t hang about, he swoops in and places a kiss on my cheek and my stomach knots with anxiety, nerves rippling through me.

“Thought you were gonna stand me up,” he gives me a wink and steps back slightly and I let out a nervous giggle.

“No, was just taking in the beautiful evening,” I drop my head to my chin and take a deep breath to try and calm my erratic heart.

“It is something, isn’t it,” he chimes as he falls back so he is beside me and we begin walking.

“It really is,” my hands rest in front of me, my fingers wrapped around my clutch as we walk slowly down the sidewalk.

“How’s Sylvia’s?” I turn to look at him as he asks and smile.

“Yeah it’s okay, not home though…” I cough and let out a small laugh, “nothing like your own bed.”

“You’re so right,” he pushes his hands into his pockets and pulls out a set of keys to a Mustang and I see the side lights of a red one flash.

“Nice car,” I admire it, sleek and beautiful.

“Thanks, you into cars?” he asks as he gets my door, opening it up for me and I silently thank him with a smile before slipping in.

“A little…” I blush under his intense stare before he shuts the door, and when I know I am alone for a second or two, I close my eyes and inhale deeply through my nose and let out a slow but shaky breath.

The driver door opens and I turn my face to look at Clay.

“Ready?” he asks as the car vibrates, the engine purring.

“I am,” I plaster a fake smile onto my lips. Why the hell did I agree to this?



Ipace back and forth in the lounge of our home, my arms crossed against my chest and I can feel eyes on me.