Page 76 of Wildest Love

But she’s my girl.

She will always be my girl.



My fingers drum on the table as I wait for Clay to finish his phone call. He didn’t leave the table, just sat opposite me whilst talking.

“Yeah, all is going perfect.” He smiles at me and gives me a slow wink and I return his smile. He starts nodding and then runs his finger along his bottom lip, but all the time his eyes are on me. It unnerves me.

“Few last bits of the puzzle to slot in, but I have my eye on the prize,” he sucks in a breath then says goodbye, cutting his phone off. “Sorry about that,” he locks his phone and places it face down to stop any more distractions.

“Not a problem,” I say sweetly as I wrap my fingers around the stem of the wine glass and lift it to my lips. The chilled white wine slipping down my throat a little too easily.

The restaurant is cosy but busy. The lights are dimmed, there is a nice ambience filling the room and the music that plays in the background is soft classical.

“So how was your day?” Clay asks as he takes a mouthful of his own wine and makes the most over the top noise as he appreciates the good taste. I mean, it is delicious, but he was so eccentric with it.

“Not too bad, had a few errands to run then spent the rest of it working.” There was no lie there, I did have to run errands for my mom and then I lost myself in my words. The way I feel as my words wrap around me before transporting me into the pages of my work. I have never been so in love with a story until this one, which makes me think that this might bethe one.

Excitement ripples through me momentarily before I am brought back down to earth with a thud.

“What do you do if you don’t mind me asking?” he asks, the waiter walking over to take our order and I have never been more grateful to be interrupted. “Can I order for you?” Clay asks and it’s an instant ick.

“Yeah,” I mumble, I know I am only here to get information, but it still bothers me.

“Can we have two of the sirloins, medium, a side of mash and green vegetables,” he flashes her a toothy grin and the waitress gives him a curt nod before she disappears into the back of the restaurant.

“Where were we?” Clay asks and I take it as my turn to turn the tables.

“You were telling me what you do for work,” my cheeks pinch and I softly walk my fingers across the table and tease them over the back of his hand. I watch as one of his brows hitch up. My spare hand teases at the back of my neck then skims down the side and across my collarbone. I am internally cringing, I have never flirted like this… well, if you can call it flirting. I am an embarrassment.

“Well,” Clay hooks one of his long, skinny fingers round mine and I feel a shudder rise up and down my spine. And not in a good way. “I work within the family business. We own Bluebeak Ranch, well I saywe, but it’s mainly a one man run operation.”

I nod as if I am showing interest.

“Oh really, what do you do on your ranch? Livery sales? Cattle?” I reach across and take a large mouthful of wine to dampen my now dry throat.

“It’s just a ranch,” he shrugs his shoulders, and I draw back my hand slightly but his fingertips reach for mine.

A laugh bubbles up from deep inside of me. “It’s neverjusta ranch.”

“Well, what can I tell ya sweetness, it is just a ranch to us. We bought it a few years back and honestly,” he chuckles as he sits back in his chair, “it’s just haemorrhaging money.”

“Spoken like a true rancher,” I wink.

“Yeah? You know much about ranching?”

“Nope, told ya, I’m not from around here. I am on a deadline and I needed some downtime, but that doesn’t stop me from eavesdropping on some of the locals.” A high chime coats my voice.

Clay laughs, “I have no idea what the appeal is to be honest, but after living here for a few years I have realised I am set for city life. I’ve had enough of the country… well, I did… until I met you,” his hand skims across the table and scoops mine in his and I will for my stomach to stop churning in nauseating whirls.

My skin crawls and I desperately want to scrub my skin clean until I bleed.

“Well, isn’t that romantic. Was that plucked straight from a romance book,” I laugh and he laughs with me.

“No, but it’s true. There is something about you.”