Wow, you really are crazy, Ava. Damon wouldn’t comfort you. You wouldn’t be able to cry in front of him.

He wouldn’t understand such a petty thing asemotion.

When I get back inside the mansion, I pass by his office one more time. I can hear voices coming from in there.Damon’svoice. He’s on the phone, but I can’t make out what exactly he’s saying. I put my ear up against the door to listen, but I still can’t pick out the words. Only his voice.

He’s here, though. He’s back home at the mansion.

I’m excited. Against my better judgment.

He’s so close.

I wait in my room just in case he does decide to come and claim me. An hour later, there’s a knock at my door, and I leap up in excitement, but it’s just the private chef bringing dinner.

“Is Damon going to be joining me?” I ask the chef before he leaves.

He purses his lips.

“What I’ve heard is that he’s going to be having dinner in his office,” he says.

“Oh, okay. Thanks.”

Maybe he’s just busy. Damon is, after all, a billionaire very much in demand.

Well, that’s what I tell myself.

But then I don’t even see him the next day.

Nor the day after.

I go snooping again. This time, I take my chance to look around Damon’s private gym. I have a little play on some of the machines, but Damon has his weights set to very,veryheavy, and there is nothing in this room around my range. I can barely move anything.

I sneak into his mansion cinema. The screen is the size of something at a commercial multiplex. I am still bowed over by the man’s wealth.

All this just for when he might fancy a movie?

I wonder what’s happening in the outside world. I wonder how Dad is, and I think back to the last time I saw him standing there in the kitchen. How he seemed so disappointed in me. I wonder if he’s even thinking about me, or wondering where I am.

I also wonder if Luke has followed through on his threat. Has he gone around telling everyone about Damon and me yet? Or was that all just a tease?

I think about messaging Olivia for some company to help me not go insane, but I decide against that. I wouldn’t be able to talk to her about all this anyway - the stupid NDA and all that.

Ugh. I’m such a people person and extroverted; it is totally against my nature to be locked up like this in Damon’s mansion.

I just want to see him.

I feel like a princess being held captive by a monster.

A gorgeous, charming, dark, and dangerous monster who somehow makes my heart somersault…

And I get my chance the next day. For only the briefest of moments. I spot Damon walking out of his office, heading downstairs to his car. Probably off to some meeting. I nearly call out to him from the top of the staircase in the same crazy way I did the first time I saw him in his New York office, but I decide against it at the very last second.

In the evening, he returns. I can hear him enter his office. I leave the guestroom door open a little as a kind of invitation for the man to enter, but he never does.

I fall asleep feeling even more empty.

Waiting. And waiting. And waiting.

It’s only at the end of the week when something happens. Jim arrives at the mansion. I hear him greeting Damon at the door with that gravelly voice of his. The two men scurry off into Damon’s office.