Now’s mychance.

I sneak across to the office door, trying to listen to their conversation. This time I can pick up some of the words from inside the room. They’re talking about some guy called Handsome Jack, whoever that is. I don’t really understand the rest. They seem concerned, though. Thinking things over.

Someone’s moving inside. I can hear footsteps.

They’re coming for the door.


I sprint away, just in time, before Damon swings open the office door. I’ve made it back to the guestroom, my heart beating fast.

Too close...

I take a moment to calm myself. I don’t know what I think. I was just starting to actually like the man, but he hasn’t spoken to me for days now. Why is he keeping me here?

I’m really just being used, aren’t I? I’ve been blackmailed into all of this.

Why did I allow myself to fall into this insane arrangement?

I want to break down and cry.

But then there’s knocking at my door.


It’s Damon. He’s finally come to see me.



I let him in.

Of course I do.

Damon enters through the doorway of the guestroom, exuding an aura of silent, brooding intensity, and settles down on my bed without a word.

His gaze quickly scans around the space before landing - fixed - on me. As he has done many times before.

That same stare I cannot – for the life of me - decipher.

“Hey,” I whisper, anxious as to what comes next.

I tentatively close the bedroom door behind me and stand by the doorway awkwardly as Damon leans forward on my bed.

“You were speaking to Luke Abbott the other day,” he eventually says, his voice low and quiet. Deadly freaking serious.

I won’t dare lie to him. What use would that be? He seems to know everything, anyway.

I nod. “I did, but not out of choice. He was waiting for me outside my dad’s house.”

Damon inhales deeply, his broad shoulders moving in a measured rhythm with each breath. Even in this relaxed pose, sitting on my bed, the guy oozes a striking, rugged, dark charm.

“What did you say to him?” he queries, his voice maintaining a hushed and subdued tone.

This time, I shake my head. “I told him nothing,” I whisper. “But he’s somehow found out about us.”
