But before he can deliver another biting sting, a car comes to a halt by us on the sidewalk. Damon’s driver.

Upon laying eyes on the car, Luke exhales deeply. He knows who the vehicle belongs to and why it’s here. I can practically see the disgust building in his snarl as he regards me and the car.

“Go on, bimbo,” he sneers at me. “Scuttle off to your new boyfriend.”

And then, without waiting for an answer for me, he turns and strolls away.

I want to scream after him. I want him to come backwith something that would devastate him. That would rock his world.

But I have nothing. Not a sound.

I’m just a mess.A bimbo airhead.

I am totally lost for words as my ex destroys my heart once again and I am left behind in his trail of dust.



I spendthe entire night waiting for Damon in his guestroom, but he never comes. I haven’t seen him since last night when we agreed I would be seeing my dad this morning.

After Luke walked away from me outside Dad’s place, Damon’s driver picked me up and took me back to the man’s mansion where I dutifully went to the bedroom and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

But there’s no sign of the man. I’ve been anticipating for him in suspended excitement; waiting for the moment he’d come home to claim what he sees as rightfully his - the girl who reluctantly signed his contract. Yet, to my surprise and maybe even my disappointment, he’s nowhere to be found.

I know I should be happy that I haven’t seen him. I know I should be celebrating the fact I could be spending the night without the gangster, but I really am not.

I’m falling for him, aren’t I?

Oh, God.

I really want to see him.

No signof Damon for the next day as well. He must’ve spent the night somewhere else. Is that a pang of jealousy I feel in my heart?


I spend my morning exploring around the mansion. The door to his office is locked with that biometric scanner thingy that only he can open. Shame. I would’ve loved to have spent some time snooping in there.

I decide on taking his cute dog for a walk, circling the property aimlessly just to kill time as the dog sniffs around the crafted garden. I try to look for any routes out of here, any places from where I can potentially escape.

But even if I could, would I leave this place? I know I’m not allowed to leave the mansion compound. That’s what he told me. I’m sure Damon has instructed his security not to let me attempt to get out of here.

I think about Luke and his vile words outside Dad’s place.

He’s discovered us.

But would he really go around and tell everyone in town? Would anyone actually believe him?

I guess, after Dad’s public humiliation about his debts, people actuallymight.

I want to talk to Damon. I want to tell him all about yesterday.

I want him to comfort me. Hold me. Tell me everything is going to be fine.