Page 6 of Terror

“Ma’am, let him back to be with his wife. He just saw her car burned to a crisp and needs to see her,” the police officer who escorted us here interjects as he comes to stand with us. “You won’t be throwin’ him out of the hospital because he’s emotional and needs to know what’s goin’ on.”

The woman looks as if she’s been properly chastised as her face flushes and she stands from her chair. Without another word, she leads me to the back and the room where my wife is. Walking in, Quinn is still passed out in the hospital bed. She’s pale as fuck making the bruising I see stand out even more against her soft skin. There are abrasions covering her face, neck, and arms from what I can see.

“Sir, we’re still running tests,” the doctor says as he examines my wife while I take a seat at her side. “We really don’t know any information at this point.”

“I understand. I had to see her. I don’t know what you’ve already done yet, but she’s pregnant. I’m not sure how far along she is or anythin’, but she is pregnant. Told me she’d had it confirmed by a doctor,” I inform the doctor. “I don’t know if that changes anythin’ in the way you’re treatin’ her, but you need to know.”

“It does change things. There are tests we won’t be able to do because she’s pregnant,” the doctor says, making a note on the papers in front of him. “I’ll give you some time with her and will return shortly to let you know what’s going to happen next.”

The doctor leaves Quinn’s room and I move the chair even closer to her. Grabbing her hand with mind, I press my lips against her skin not giving a fuck about the soot, dirt, and other shit covering her skin. I need to feel her skin against mine. Her hand is warm as I hold it in mine and her fingers twitch every now and then. It’s the reassurance I need that she’s okay and still here with me. At least for now. I won’t be truly happy until I see her gorgeous eyes open and hear her say my name with her soft voice. For now, I’m gonna take what I can get and wait for the doctor to come back in.

Quinn’s finally awake. She was knocked out for most of the afternoon. I’m told some of that was the medicine they had given her. Something about a medicine that was safe for both her and the baby to allow her to get through the tests being performed on her. Thankfully, there’s nothing majorly wrong with the woman who is the center of my world. Quinn’s got cuts, bruising, a goose egg on the back of her head from when she hit the ground when her car exploded. An ultrasound was performed shortly after she woke up and we got to see our little one. There’s really not too much to see at this point. At least if you ask me there’s not. The technician gave us a few pictures we could keep as well. Everything is good with our baby so it was a relief for both of us.

Quinn will have to stay in the hospital overnight. They want to make sure nothing happens to her or the baby for the next twenty-four hours. She’s not happy, but I’m all for it happening because it’s the safest place for her to be after everything happened. Steel and Harley are almost here as well. Brick has been in to see her and he let them know what’s going on. Steel lost his shit and was quick as fuck to get in his truck with his wife and head our way. My parents are actually following them down. They want to make sure their daughter-in-law is okay and that Steel doesn’t have anything happen on his way here. He was pissed enough that my dad was worried about him and knew he wouldn’t be okay to drive on his own.

“Do you want anythin’ from the cafeteria?” Brick asks as he sits down in the chair at Quinn’s bedside.

“Nah. Haley’s gonna bring some shit up here soon. Make it enough for the three of us, your parents, and my parents. I’ll wait for that to get here. Baby, do you want anythin’ before that gets here?” I ask Quinn as her eyes flutter open.

“No. I just want to sleep,” she says, her voice barely above a whisper as she moves in the bed and tries to get comfortable.

“Okay, baby. Close your eyes and sleep. I’m not goin’ anywhere,” I promise her, pressing a kiss against her temple and grabbing her hand back in mine again.

Brick and I sit in silence as Quinn lets sleep claim her once again. I know once our parents get here the room won’t be quiet. Steel will go off and want to know what the fuck is going on down here before he goes storming off on his own to find Claw and take care of him for going after his little princess. Harley will cry and fuss over Quinn with my mom. My dad will try to be the voice of reason and make sure none of us go off half-cocked and get in trouble. I’m not sure if his brand of calm will work in this situation because it’s taking everything in me not to leave this hospital and go in search of Claw to rip him limb from limb right now.

Leaning forward in the chair, I press my head against the bed Quinn’s in with her arm resting at the top of my head. Closing my eyes, I know I won’t be able to sleep, but I’m even closer to her now than I was before. That’s all that matters to me.

“Sleep, Wicked. I’ll let you know when our parents get close or Haley gets here with food,” Brick says, watching the door for any sign of anyone entering the room.

He’ll remain vigilant and not let anyone in here who doesn’t belong. We’ve also got men stationed in the hall in front of her door. No one will get close to my wife to cause her any more harm with everyone here. If they try once Steel shows up, they’ll be in a world of pain by the time he’s finished with them. Steel doesn’t play around when it comes to his kids. When it’s Quinn we’re talking about, he’s even worse because he knows Brick can take care of himself. Steel doesn’t want my wife to have to take care of herself even though she knows how. The man will burn down the world for her and it’s nothing less than I’ll do for her. Between the two of us, no one stands a chance at getting close to my wife again. I don’t care if I have to tie her to my bed in order to ensure she’s safe and whole.

Chapter Five


LOSING MY CAR scared the absolute shit out of me. If it had just been a regular accident and it was totaled or something like that, I wouldn’t be as scared. However, that’s not what happened. My car fucking exploded and there’s nothing we can really do to figure out why it happened. Though, Wicked told me it wasn’t just a random thing that happened because of some kind of malfunction or something like that. This was intentional and someone was either trying to hurt me or send a message to the club. Only pussies go after women and children. That’s something we’ve all been taught our entire lives because of our dads being in the club. If you have a problem with the Wild Kings or a member of the club, you fucking go for the men. You don’t ever go after the women and kids of a club. So, whoever is coming for the club here in Cedar Bay doesn’t understand common sense and the knowledge that you don’t pull this kind of shit.

The guys had church as soon as I got out of the hospital. They were holed up in their meeting room for about three hours trying to figure shit out and make sure they had all their bases covered. None of us girls are allowed out of the clubhouse for any reason unless we have at least a Prospect and a member or two with us. They want us covered at all times and I’m not about to question that shit. Vanessa isn’t happy and neither is Willow. But Willow isn’t happy because she’s got doctor’s appointments and shit like that for her pregnancy. She’s hormonal and doesn’t want to have a babysitter following her around. I get how she feels, but I also see things from the guys’ perspective as well. They don’t want anything happening to one of us because we’re alone and this Claw asshole is going after us because he sees us as weak and easy to manipulate to get what he wants from the guys.

I’ve heard mention of this Claw asshole in the past. In fact, he’s the reason Sami went through the hell she did. To say she’s scared shitless right now would be an understatement. She’s barely leaving her room unless she absolutely has to. My friend is hurting and there’s nothing we can do to pull her out of her head. She’s fighting demons none of us understand because we didn’t go through the shit she did at a pathetic little bitch’s hands. So, we’re all just trying to be there for her and do what we can when we see her. Goose isn’t leaving her side for long either. He wants to be there for his woman and we all commend him for making sure he can leave the business in our hands and take care of his family. I honestly wouldn’t expect anything less from him.

My parents are still here as well. Gage and Riley went back home once my dad got some of his control back. He was a loose cannon when he barreled into my hospital room. The man knocked Brick out of his way to get to my side and make sure I was really okay. Then he found out about the baby and I thought he was going to lose his mind all over again. It’s not how I wanted him to find out, but there’s nothing I can do to change what happened. They aren’t going to leave until this problem is taken care of. I can’t say that I’m unhappy about them being here. I love spending time with my mom and dad. Brick is also loving it because my mom is doting on him like crazy. She’s making all of his favorite foods, cleaning his room instead of the girls here doing it, and making sure he’s taken care of. Ghost also reaps those benefits since they’re so damn close. Neither man is hating our mom being here and it’s funny as hell to watch.

Today, I’m going to work for the first time in a few days. Wicked has been keeping me in bed resting so I don’t hurt myself or the baby. He carries me everywhere I have to go and won’t let me stay out in the common room for very long at all. My husband is worried about me overdoing things and ending up back in the hospital. The doctors told me to take it easy, but they didn’t say I was on bed rest or anything like that. I just had to take it easy for a few days and then could resume my normal daily tasks. Wicked didn’t like that and decided to make sure I didn’t do a damn thing. I love him for it, but today I’ve put my foot down and made sure he knows I’m going to work and there’s nothing he can do about it.

My dad will be taking me to work and dropping me off since Goose will also be there today. He’s gotta take care of the orders and make sure the bills are paid. If it weren’t for that, he wouldn’t be going in at all. However, he takes that part of his job very seriously and doesn’t let any of us handle it because he likes yelling at the suppliers if they make a mistake and don’t send what he’s ordered. At least that’s what I say because I’ve heard him yelling at those people before and he can get mean. I simply laugh because Goose isn’t typically one to lose his temper unless something happens to Sami or one of their kids.

“Little princess, are you ready to head to work?” my dad asks, walking in my room after knocking on the door.

“Yeah. We need to go now before Wicked gets done in his meeting and argues with me again. He doesn’t think I’m ready to go back to work yet,” I tell my dad laughing at Wicked because I know he’ll be waiting for me to leave so he can try to get me to stay at the clubhouse.

“Let’s head out then.”

My dad and I walk through the common room and head out for his truck. I don’t stop to talk to anyone and only wave in the general direction of my mom and the ol’ ladies as we make our way outside. Brantley is waiting for us on his bike. He’ll be the one to stay at the Pit Stop with Goose and me. I think there’s another Prospect there too, but this way at least two sides of the gas station can be covered at all times.

We ride through town and my dad has his eyes on everything. Not just the road in front of us, but looking for any possible threats coming at us from the side or back of the truck. He won’t take any chances with my safety and will make sure he does whatever he has to in order to get me to the Pit Stop on time and in one piece. That’s his job and one he takes very seriously. Even though Wicked is my husband now and it’s his job to take care of me, my dad won’t ever give it up because I’ll always be his little princess and he won’t ever give that up for any reason.

“I’m gonna walk you in and make sure Goose knows you’re here,” my dad says as he parks with my door right next to the entrance of the gas station.