Page 7 of Terror

I remain in my seat because I know if I get out before my dad opens my door there will be hell to pay. He won’t want me alone for even a second because he can’t protect me if he’s on one side of the truck and I’m on the other one. So, we’ve all been taught to wait for our parents or man before getting out of any vehicle when things are going on with the club or someone coming after us.

“Okay, Dad. Is Goose gonna bring me back home or are you and Wicked coming to get me when my shift is over?” I ask him as we make our way inside to find Goose standing behind the counter.

“Wicked and I will be here for you. Goose is gonna work a double today to make sure nothin’ happens here at the store. All the guys are pullin’ double duty once or twice a week at every business. It’s one less place for this asshole to attack and get away from us. The guys already know I’ll be there when we finally catch him. Call us about a half hour before your shift ends. I think we’re gonna be out searchin’ for the twatwaffle between now and then. Brick will remain at the clubhouse with your mom and the other ol’ ladies,” my dad answers me, standing in front of the counter as I make my way behind it and clock in using the register.

“Okay. I love you, Dad. I’ll see you later,” I tell him as he talks to Goose for a few minutes and I get to work putting away the stock that’s already been checked in that belongs behind the counter.

“I’ll be in the aisles workin’,” Goose tells me when my dad finally leaves. “If you need me just call. I’m gonna get this stock taken care of as fast as I can and take the totes back to the storeroom so we can get them off the floor as soon as possible. We don’t want to have any accidents take place.”

“Alright. I’m sure I’ll be fine. Once I get this taken care of, I’ll start helping you on the floor. The sooner we get it taken care of, the quicker you can get on to dealing with something else. Do we have an order coming in for anything else today?”

“Yeah. We’ve got the alcohol order and a food order for the deli section. Those should be here in an hour or so.”

I nod my head in response and get to work. There’s music playing softly in the background of the gas station as normal as Goose and I work on taking care of everything. It doesn’t take us very long as we work together to get the totes off the floor and fill all the shelves. Any overstock we end up having, Goose carries in the back because I’m not allowed to lift anything heavy. Yes, I found out my husband told everyone I’m pregnant so now I’m treated like I’m made of glass like any other pregnant ol’ lady is. It gets on my nerves, but it’s also very sweet of the guys to take care of us in their own way. It’s not like they can do much when we’re pregnant.

Goose and I have been working like crazy for hours. He’s now working in the back putting the alcohol away in the coolers and stocking the shelves. Brantley has come in to give him a hand since one of the other Prospects showed up to keep watch outside. Together they can get the work done even faster because they don’t want me left on the floor by myself or with one of the other girls who came in to work the deli. Today I’ve got Toni working with me and I love when we have a shift together. It’s fun as hell and she makes the time go by really fast.

As I make my way back behind the counter to get rid of some garbage from the floor and restocking the coffee station, a man enters the store. He’s wearing dark jeans and a white tee-shirt that’s seen better days. It’s full of holes and stains. He doesn’t appear as if he’s taken a shower in months. His short hair is greasy and matted as if he just rolled out of bed and didn’t do anything to get himself ready to go out.

“Hi! How can I help you?” I greet him like I would any other customer coming in here.

“It’s a shame to see you back at work already. I thought the explosion would have at the very least kept you in the hospital for a few weeks. How the fuck did you get so lucky?” he questions me, a sneer on his face. “Please tell me you at least lost the bastard you’re carrying.”

A gasp leaves me as I lean on the counter for support. My heart is racing and I’m starting to sweat as my breaths come in shallow pants. I’m on the verge of having a panic attack and I can’t stop it from happening. Reaching slowly beneath the counter, I hit the alert button so Goose knows I’m in trouble out here.

“I do have my baby. You’re nothing more than a fucking pussy. If you were a real man, you’d go after the men of the club and leave the women and kids alone. I’ve been raised in a club and that’s one of the first things we’re taught. You think you’re big and bad by trying to hurt me more than what you did and then coming in here to taunt me and try to hurt me some more?” I ask him, pushing my fear and panic aside so I can keep him distracted so Goose and Brantley can get out here to keep Toni and me safe.

“I’m not a fucking pussy. Why wouldn’t I come after the women and kids when you’re the easiest fucking targets out there. You don’t have enough common sense to protect yourselves and ensure no one’s coming after you,” he says, leaning toward me and displaying his rancid breath.

“You are a pussy. We aren’t weak and you’d know that if you’d done any of your research into the club. I was not only taught by my dad how to protect myself, but my husband has continued with my lessons along with my brother. Every ol’ lady spends time at the club’s gym in order to fucking make sure we’re ready for any situation we might encounter. This is nothing more than a scare tactic on your part, but you fucked up. Again,” I tell him as Brantley and Goose stand behind him.

“I didn’t fuck up at all. There’s no one but two defenseless bitches standing in here. By the time I get done doing what I want to you, no one will be able to make it here before I disappear once again,” he taunts me with a smirk on his face as if he knows everything.

“You wanna keep thinkin’ that?” Goose asks him as the asshole’s spine straightens and he knows he fucked up.

Before the asshole can get turned around to face Goose and Brantley, Goose has him slammed down into the counter in front of me. Brantley is tying his hands together behind his back with zip ties. I get my phone out from under the counter and call Wicked. He’s either with my dad or still at the clubhouse so he can come pick this bitch up.

“Baby, are you okay?” Wicked answers his phone before it’s done ringing for the first time.

“I’m okay. Got someone at the Pit Stop you might want to come pick up. Came in here thinkin’ he could taunt me and talk some shit,” I tell my husband as Goose keeps him in place at the counter.

“On our way, baby. We’ll be there in five minutes or less,” he tells me, his voice going hard and cold.

My husband is in full Vice President mode right now. If he thinks I’m in danger or anything else, he won’t hesitate to ever put himself in that role of protector. That means switching off his soft and sweet side I get to see. When he walks in here, I’ll see the Vice President of the Wild Kings and not my husband. I’m okay with that. Hell, my dad is even worse than Wicked is.

“They’ll be right here,” I tell Goose as I back away from the douche canoe making a mess of my computer.

I no sooner get the words out of my mouth and the door opens revealing my man and dad coming in the gas station. They both have looks of murderous rage on their faces as they take in the man bent over the counter in Goose’s death grip. Wicked comes behind the counter and right to me instead of making his way to the asshole.

“Are you okay?” he asks me again, concern filling his voice.

“I’m okay. Upset, but it’s from his words and not anything he did,” I answer my husband honestly.

“What the fuck did he say?” my dad grits out, rage filling his voice.

I go into detail about what happened when he came in here and what was said by him. With every word I speak, the men in my life get fucking more and more filled with rage. Tension fills the space around the counter and it’s so thick you could cut it with a knife. I don’t do anything to lessen the tension either. This stupid fucker made his bed and now it’s time for him to lay in it. I’m not dumb or blind to what the guys in the club do. When it comes down to it, most of them, if not all, have blood on their hands in the name of protecting the ol’ ladies, kids, and club. This man deserves to disappear for what he did to Sami alone.

“Get this fucker out of here,” I tell the guys as I stare the man in the eyes.