Page 5 of Terror


WORKING AT THE gym this morning, I’m trying to keep the lonely, bored housewives off me. Especially that stupid bitch who showed up at the clubhouse and rubbed all up on me when everything was happening with my wife. She’s been showing up at the gym on a regular basis lately and only wants me to work with her. So far I’ve been able to get out of it by claiming different reasons and hiding out in the office. That’s only gonna work for so long though. Eventually I’ll have to become an asshole and tell her off in front of everyone here. That’s the only way she’ll get the hint because she doesn’t want the negative attention. Women like her thrive on the positive attention and crave getting what they can’t have. I’m something she can’t have.

“Wicked, that woman is here and demandin’ you go out and take care of her. Again,” Ricochet says, sticking his head in the office.

“I’m busy. We’ve got paperwork that’s been pilin’ up in here and no one’s been doin’ it. So, I can’t go out there to handle her tantrum. Why don’t you or Bull deal with the skank?” I return, smirking because this is the first time I’ve been here in a week and I know it’s pissed that woman off.

Before Ricochet can leave the office, my phone starts vibrating on the desk at my side. He immediately stops moving to see what’s going on. When we’re all at work, we typically don’t get calls unless something is going on. So, for my phone to be vibrating now means that something has happened.

“What?” I answer the phone, my voice hard and cold as dread fills me.

“Wicked, get to the fuckin’ Pit Stop. Now,” Brick barks out. “Don’t fuckin’ drive yourself. Have Ricochet bring you.”

“What’s wrong? Where’s my wife?” I ask instantly knowing my wife is the one who was hurt or had something done to her.

“She’s on her way to the hospital. You’re gonna go there, but we both know you won’t be allowed back there right now. I want you to see her fuckin’ car before you go there. Claw struck and he went after my fuckin’ sister,” Brick says before hanging up the phone.

“Let’s go,” Ricochet says, pulling his keys from his pocket and rushing from the office. “Bull, you got the gym for now. Be prepared to close it down if you get a call from anyone. Got shit goin’ on and we don’t know how bad it is yet.”

“Wicked, you can’t leave. You weren’t here all last week and now you’re just running out. I pay to workout here and I want you to train me,” the bitch says, her voice whiny like a skank who’s trying to be sexy and failing miserably.

I don’t even bother responding to her. This woman means nothing to me and if she leaves the gym and takes her money from here, it won’t matter one bit to me or anyone else here. More than enough people come here for training and to workout on their own for her to do any amount of damage by trying to ruin our name. Do I think she’ll be a petty bitch and try to pull something? Yeah, I do. Right now, that doesn’t matter though. The only thing that matters is getting to the Pit Stop and then the hospital. They need to know my wife is pregnant and worry about her and the baby. If we lose this baby, I don’t know what will happen.

Quinn and I haven’t talked about the baby or what we want moving forward. Never once since learning about our little one did I ever want Quinn to get rid of it. I was shocked as fuck and not sure how to be a dad. Yeah, I watched all the men in the club raise us, but it’s different when you learn you’re gonna be a dad. Hell, I’ve spent time watching Otter be one of the best dads I’ve ever seen. I never thought he’d be as hands on or do as much as he does with the kids as he’s done every damn day since he found out Willow was pregnant. That’s the kind of dad I want to be.

Still, we have to make plans and put a nursery together. There’s so much to do and I’m not sure about everything. Once we announce the pregnancy, I’ll have to talk to Otter and find out what the next step is and where we go from here. I’m not about to fuck this kid up because I wasn’t prepared to bring our son or daughter home. I do know there’s books I can read about this shit. Otter read everything he could get his hands on. My best friend isn’t a man who reads. He barely read the shit he had to for school. When he found out he was gonna be a father, the man went to the book store and bought every single book he could get his hands on. He’d take them everywhere with him too. The clubhouse, work, out to eat, it didn’t matter where he was as long as he could read those books. I’ll have to see which ones he has and get them for myself.

“Ready?” Ricochet asks as he pulls fast as hell in the parking lot of the Pit Stop.

I take in the multiple police cruisers, people from town standing around, and the flat bed from the garage. At this point, I can barely see my wife’s car where it sits on the truck waiting to be taken away. Jumping from the truck without answering Ricochet, I head straight for the truck so I can find out what the fuck Brick was talking about. It’s obviously more than a simple car accident or some shit with the way he was talking and wanting me to come here before heading to the hospital.

Running toward the truck, the crowd parts for me with the help of some of the guys from the club. I almost fall on my face as I try to stop when I can finally take in Quinn’s car. The fucking thing is charred and barely resembles the vehicle I bought her shortly after moving here.

“What the fuck happened?” I yell out, anger and fear warring for a place in my body as I realize I could have lost my wife today.

“She called me sayin’ her car died and she parked it on the side of the road. Didn’t want to leave it because everythin’ is power and none of that shit was workin’. I told her I was on my way and she let me know she was gonna call Goose to let him know she’d be there but a little late. By the time I got to her, the car was engulfed in flames, she was on the side of the road knocked the fuck out, and Goose was takin’ care of her. Just after I arrived, all the cops, fire department, and ambulance arrived. They took her to the hospital and Goose went with her,” Ghost tells me as I drop to my knees on the ground. None of them know she’s pregnant.

“Was she bleedin’ from anywhere?” I ask, the fear now consuming me in place of the anger.

“Not that I saw. I mean there were scrapes and cuts, but I didn’t see a ton of damage done to her,” Ghost says, looking confused.

“She’s fuckin’ pregnant. This shit happened and I might be losin’ my wife and unborn child. Get me to the fuckin’ hospital,” I yell, racing back toward Ricochet’s truck as Brick follows me.

I don’t take the time to turn around and see what he’s doing, I just feel him behind me. His fear is almost as bad as my own at this point. We get in the truck and Ricochet takes off like a bat out of hell with a cop leading the way toward the hospital. I’ve never had a police escort before, but I’ll gladly take one in this situation. Getting to Quinn is the only thing that matters. I need to see with my own eyes that she’s okay and hear from the doctor that our son or daughter is okay and nothing happened to them.

“My sister’s tough as fuck, Wicked. She’s gonna be okay. And with parents like the two of you, my niece or nephew isn’t gonna let this shit take them out either. You have to believe that, Wicked,” Brick says, resting his hand on my shoulder as we make our way to the hospital. “Once we know what’s goin’ on, I’ll call Mom and Dad to let them know. Do you want anyone else from home knowin’?”

“My parents should know too. Though, I have a feelin’ Steel will let everyone know what’s goin’ on before he heads down here himself. He’s not gonna let this shit go and will want to see for himself that Quinn’s okay,” I say, my voice almost robotic sounding as Ricochet finally pulls into the hospital parking lot.

He pulls straight up to the doors to let Brick and me jump out before he goes to park his truck. It won’t be long and the waiting room will be filled with the club members.

“Where’s my wife?” I question the woman at the front desk. “Quinn Wilson was brought in by ambulance from a car accident not that long ago. Please, where is my wife?”

“I’m sorry, sir, no one can go back and see her right now. I’ll let the staff know her family is here and someone will be out as soon as they can,” she says, giving the same speech I’m sure everyone gets.

“Fuckin’ listen to me. My wife is pregnant and she just told me. They need to fuckin’ know that shit. I need to know she’s okay. Where the fuck is my wife?” I scream, not giving a shit about causing a scene as Ricochet and Goose make their way to surround me with Brick.

“Sir, I’m gonna ask you to calm down or I’ll have you removed from the hospital and you won’t get to see your wife,” the woman says, her voice grating on my nerves.