My expression bunches as my mouth revolts and gives it one more shot. “Seriously, though. You can’t think of any other initiation to give me? How ’bout scrubbing frat house toilets with a toothbrush? Or walking through campus in a string bikini?”

“Oh please, freshman, that’s child’s play.” Aimee rolls her eyes like I’m the world’s biggest waste of space. “You know what? You shouldn’t even be here. This is a favor to your mother, because I really respect her.”

Yeah, right.

“I don’t want to let her down, so we've been very lenient with you. Most pledges wouldn’t have been given so many chances. Do you have any idea how prestigious this sorority is? How many people would do anything to be in your shoes right now?”

“Yeah.” Claudia nods. “We have to protect our family, which is why this selection process is so intense.”

“You know, if you don’t want to be here, you can just—” Fiona tinkles her fingers, indicating the door, and I actually turn around and look at it. The white wood somehow calls to me, begging me to see sense and run like the frickin’ wind.

But then I hear my mother’s conditions for attending Nolan U. I see the weepy look in her eyes as she begs me to make her proud, and I’m forced to turn back around and sigh. “Okay, I get it. You’re important.” Three blistering glares are fired at me, so I try to soften my tone. “Can you go over the details again for me, please?”

Aimee threads her fingers together, her eyes taking on a glint of malicious elation as she repeats my heinous initiation task. “You must make Ethan Galloway fall in love with you, then publicly break his heart. Easy.”

I scoff. “Yeah, sure. Who is this guy?”

The two freshmen gasp and bulge their eyes at me. “You don’t know who Ethan Galloway is?”

“Have you been living in a cave?”

“I’ve been busy studying and getting an education,” I retort.

Aimee tsks. “We’ve all been doing that, but we still know who Nolan U’s biggest player is.”

I frown. “So, why would he fall for me?”

There’s a gleam in Aimee’s eye. “It’s not hard to get his attention. Evenyoushould be able to pull that off.”

“You have to at least try to make him like you.” Teah gives me a sweet smile, then checks with the other girls. “Right? I mean, she’ll be showing her commitment. You can’tmakesomeone fall in love with you.”

Fiona’s right eyebrow arches, and then she douses me with a haughty look that could rival President Aimee’s. “If she fails, she fails.”

“Come on, sisters. Be fair.” Teah turns to her leader.

After a tut and an exaggerated eye roll, Aimee relents with a bored sigh. “If she can woo him enough to then publicly humiliate him, she’s in.”

Teah grins while my face bunches into a frown. “That’s so horrible. Why would I do that to someone?”

“Because he’s an asshole manwhore who's left a trail of broken hearts all over campus. Believe me, he deserves it.”

Now my eyebrows are rising. Aimee’s sharp, snappy tone makes me wonder if this diva got rejected by the big man on campus and she’s out for major payback. I can practically see the claws popping out of her fingers.

So, why the hell did she choose me for this task?

I’m not some strutting princess who catches the eye and makes men drool.

Ugh, the thought of wooing some player just to stay in this stupid sorority is a new form of torture.

I seriously don’t think I can do it, and my head is shaking before I can stop myself. “This is really dumb.”

“Fine.” Aimee points over my shoulder. “There’s the door.”

I close my eyes with a tired sigh. “But?—”

“There’s! The door!” Aimee’s voice pitches, her gaze flashing. That smirk of hers has been replaced with an implacable scowl.

Grrr! I can’t believe I have to associate with this uptight bitch.