“Yeah, I’m not doing that.” I cross my arms, wishing for height. Even just a couple inches would be nice so I don’t actually have to lookupat Miss Sigma Beta Mu President with her icy blue gaze and relentless smirk.

Seriously, how does she not get muscle cramps in her face?

I bet she was born with this contemptuous look. Just popped right out of her mother’s V-jay screaming indignantly, then throwing a haughty glare at the medical staff."Feed and clothe me immediately!"

“You have to.” Aimee smooths a long lock of shiny blonde hair over her shoulder and crosses her arms right back at me. “If you want a permanent place in this house, then you must finish the final initiation task.”

“But it’s stupid.” I flick my arms up while Fiona gasps like I’ve just hexed the house.

“It’s okay, Fee.” Aimee raises her hands, her icy gaze darkening around the edges as that irritating smirk grows a little higher on her cheek. “Are you saying you want out?”

I clench my jaw, wishing it were that easy. Wishing I could flip all these preppy, superior girls the bird and flounce out of this sorority house like it means nothing to me. But I don’t have that luxury, now do I?

Thanks to stupid fire damage in Buckley Hall, and Nolan U's sudden housing crisis, Greek Row was forced to step up and house the homeless, which means I'm in this uppity sorority house way earlier than I expected. And if I don't play my cards right and find a permanent place here, I'm kinda screwed.

Throwing a glance across the room, I cast my eye at the two other twitchy freshmen who I endured rush week with. “Louisa and Trinity don’t have to do it.”

“Well, you’re special.” Aimee’s saccharine voice is sweet enough to put me in a coma.

I force air through my nose and remind myself not to lose it.

Remember what’s at stake here. Suck. It. Up!

Gritting my teeth, I attempt a smile. “I thought being a legacy meant I get automatic entry.”

The senior girls share this comical look before laughter bubbles out of them. I can practically here them thinking,“Poor, naive Mikayla. She’s so clueless.”

I guess I kind of am. Sorority life is so not my jam.

My little sister, Megan, would be in her element, swanning in and out of this house like it was made for her. She would have breezed through this entire process and no doubt been welcomed into the fold, the pretty poppet that she is.

But not me.

I don’t fit.

But I have to fit—dammit!

Aimee reaches out her manicured hand, lightly tugging on the end of my messy ponytail. “Being a legacy means you have the right to rush. You only just scraped through, and now we want to see some real commitment. If you want to be invited to the initiation ceremony at the beginning of next month, then you need to complete this task. You need to show us that you really want to be a Sig Be sister.”

I resist the urge to roll my eyes and tell them that I actually don’t give two shits about being a Sig Be sister, but I can’t say that. I need to be one whether I’m interested or not.

Fiona tips her head, her bottom lip popping out in a mock pout. “If you can’t complete this final task, then I think it’s clear you’re really not Sigma Beta Mu material.”

“Not a good fit.” Claudia wrinkles her nose and hisses while Aimee’s blue gaze drills into mine.

“And we really want you to be a good fit.”

Hey, sarcasm, how you doin’?

I keep the thought to myself and try to force a smile, but I just can’t do it! This is insane, stupid, dumb.

Everything about sorority life is!

Shut up, Mick. You know why you have to do this. Seriously, get over yourself and do this for the good of your future. Do it for Mom.