You don’t. Just walk out the door.

Fine! I will!

Balling my hands into two fists, I push my way through the line of Barbie dolls and storm into the room I’ve been sleeping in. It’s more of a closet than anything. Think Harry Potter’s stair cupboard but with the added torment of potpourri and pink wallpaper.

Snatching my duffel bag from under the bed, I start shoving my clothes into it. My brain is frantically trying to get my attention—be logical about this, Mikayla!—but I’m too pissed to do anything but snatch and shove.

This whole situation is ridiculous. They can’t make me do this!

Surely Mom can understand how senseless this all is. Surely she’ll cut me some slack and give me an out.

Hauling the bag onto my shoulder, I storm past the horrified-looking freshmen, their glossy lips popping open with surprise.

“See you later, loser,” Fiona mutters as I brush past her.

Claudia titters behind her hand, and Aimee’s smirk has just been upgraded to punchable.

But I resist the urge. I don’t even give her the finger as I swing the door open and stomp down the stairs.

Screw this stupid sorority.

Screw Aimee fucking Walters.

And screw that insane initiation. I don’t need this shit.

As I walk into the darkness, that voice of reason tries to reach me again, and all I can think as I march away from the house isYes you do. Yes, you do.



I grip the edge of the vanity, a low grunt reverberating in my throat. The party sounds distant. The thick beat vibrating the walls of the house seems far away as I run my fingers into shiny brunette locks and fist them.

Ruby moans, her red tongue licking my cock like a popsicle stick before that luscious mouth takes me fully and a groan builds in my chest.

Someone bangs on the bathroom door, and I manage a strangled “Occupied!” before I become incapable of speech. Ruby works me like the magician she is, and rockets are soon firing through me, my body convulsing with the release. She swallows it down like she always does, and I can’t help a satisfied smile.

Glancing down at her sultry gaze, I blow her a kiss as she rises to her feet. She wipes the edge of her lips before planting them against mine. My tongue glides over hers as we drink deeply from each other before she pulls away to smirk at me.

I rest my hands lightly on her hips, giving them a gentle squeeze. “Thanks for that.”

“After what you just did for me…” She pulls her dress back down over her tight little ass before snatching her G-string off the floor and shoving it into her purse. “Not a problem.”

Looking in the mirror, she touches up her lipstick, then rearranges her tits.

This seems to be our usual party routine. We don’t hook up that often, but the second our eyes met across the room tonight, I knew we’d be getting each other off in the bathroom. It never turns into more than that. I’m not even sure why.

“Later, Galloway.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me, then saunters out the door.

I watch her curvy body disappear before straightening myself out and returning to the real world again.

A girl pushes past me to get into the bathroom, her dirty frown enough to tell me she’s not impressed that we took so long in there. I snicker and murmur to her back, “All good things take time, sweetness.”

Searching for my friends, I saunter through the party, raising my chin at various people, winking at the ladies, and checking out the talent for later. It’s the usual drill. At least until hockey season starts. We’re still in light training mode, which means we can get away with midweek parties like this.

As soon as the season starts, we won’t have this luxury anymore, so we’re all trying to take advantage.

Grabbing a can of beer, I crack it open, figuring I’ll just have the one tonight. I have a workout scheduled for the morning, plus training in the afternoon. Coach gets super pissed if we’re not on form, and I take my hockey seriously.