“Use the wordpuckinstead offuck. It’s lame.”

“It’s not lame, it’s totally cool, and if you don’t like it, there’s the door.”

“Oooo.” I rise to his snippety tone with a laugh. “Someone’s precious about their pucking.”

He starts to laugh, snatching the controller back off me. “You’re our guest, so just get pucking used to the way we talk, okay?”

I flick a look at Ethan, who’s found a spot on the couch adjacent to me. He grins, winking at me while I shake my head, throwing in an eye roll for good measure.

Is it weird that I feel more relaxed here than I do anywhere else on campus so far?

Should I be worried about that?

Ethan’s searing-hot kiss in the workout room tells me he’s not immune to the fact that I’m a woman, but I fit in so easily with this group. Am I doing that thing I always do and just naturally falling into the friend zone with these guys?

I should pull back, find my feminine side, and strut out of this place like the dick tease I’m supposed to be. But I don’t want to leave… and even though I start telling myself it’s because of my initiation task, I know the truth.

I like these guys. I’ve got the major hots for Ethan, and if he keeps being as cool and awesome and sexy as he has been so far, I’m gonna go tumbling over the edge…

And unless I can somehow get out of this initiation—doubtful—then I have to go and break his heart, which will inevitably break mine, so…

Yeah, I’m royally pucked.



“Yee-haw!” Mikayla shouts, tipping her head back with a laugh.

Her slender neck is mouthwatering, her smile enough to ignite my insides. Shit, she’s gorgeous and funny and having a blast in this house.

She’s managed to draw every guy in the room around the couch, and they’re all getting intoDevil’s Doorway, yelling warnings at the screen and hooting in triumph when Mikayla takes out another bad guy.

About an hour ago, she and Casey started a two-man game, and they’re killing it.

Me? I’ve been sitting on the couch, nursing my beer and trying to command my pig-headed, stubborn-ass dick to stay the hell down.

But then Mikayla goes and laughs again—the musical sound reaching my ears and doing weird shit to my chest. Or she’ll raise her hands and whoop, her triumph so fucking sexy that my cock decides it’s spring-loaded.

I shift in my seat, my eyebrows dipping when I spot Casey nudging her with his shoulder. She tips sideways with a laugh, and he pulls her back up, his fingers lingering to the point of making me growl.

But no one hears me because they’re too busy yelling at these two to get on the train.

“Speed up!”


They both make it without getting squished by the Midwest Express and then start talking strategy.

And I continue to sit here like a jealous douche as Casey—one of my best friends—gets to touch Mikayla and laugh with her and flirt because he doesn’t have a no-sex rule hanging over his head.

Curse my cocky, arrogant self.

Curse that fucking dart for betraying me.

Mikayla’s hot tongue peeks between her lips as she negotiates the gold heist they’re pulling off. I know what it tastes like now. I want to snatch that remote out of her hands and grab her face. I want to suck the tip of that pink tongue into my mouth and hear her groan again.

My dick springs into action, and I lurch off the couch, stalking into the kitchen. Asher snickers as I walk past him and turns to follow me, but I push him back with a growl.