“Yeah, we planned it that way. Couldn’t not have the best years of our lives together, right?” He grins at me, and I suddenly miss Rachel with an ache so deep it makes my chest hurt.

“My best friend still lives in Cali. I miss her.”

His smile turns sympathetic. “When will you get to see her again?”

“Not sure yet.” I shrug. “But we text and talk most days, so at least we’re still in touch. I just hope that doesn’t fade with time.”

“Don’t let it.” He shrugs, like it’s the easiest solution in the world.

Running feet grab my attention, and those butterflies are back, swarming my entire body as Ethan comes to a stop beside me.

“So, you’re braving Hockey House, huh?”

I laugh. “If I can handle a mani-pedi spa day which also included a painful round of hair removal, then I figure Hockey House will be a cinch.”

The guys both nod. “Yeah, you’re right.”

Their expressions make me laugh a little louder, and any doubts I may have been harboring disappear the second I walk through the front door.

Music is pumping from the speakers but not in the deafening party-time way. Guys’ voices float across the air—hassling, playful jabs that make me grin. The house smells like this heady mix of cologne, sweat, and fried chicken, and all I can think isHome, comfort, a place to chill.

Kicking off my shoes, I follow Ethan and Liam into the main living area, where I’m introduced to a few other guys who don’t live in the house but are hockey Cougars like the rest of them.

They eye me up with curiosity but have obviously been forewarned by Asher that I was coming. I wave my hand in greeting, tipping back on my heels and trying to think of something funny to say. But all that pops out of me is a loud gasp.

“Is thatDevil’s Doorway?” I gape at the large TV screen on the wall, jumping over the back of the couch and landing next to Casey. “I don’t know anyone else who plays this.”

Casey grins, smashing his thumb onto the controller and taking out three bad guys before spinning his horse around and charging out of Windy City.

“Have you got the gold bars from the westbound train yet?”

“Yep.” He keeps riding, dodging a band of Indians as he passes through their territory.

“They’re gonna shoot you. You need to stop and offer them something from your bag.”

“No, I’ll be fast enough,” he murmurs, dipping low to the horse and trying to pick up speed.

“No you won’t,” I singsong, then grin when he’s shot through the back with an arrow and falls to the ground. “Told ya,” I crow with a grin that I hope is obnoxious enough.

“Fine,” Casey grits out, although it’s all for show. His dirty-blond locks shake as he tries to glare at me. He probably has no idea that he’s looking more scarecrow than man right now.

“How long have you been playing this?” I try to hide my laughter.

He runs a hand through his hair, which is why it’s such a mess, and I can’t hold it in anymore.

“Lemme guess, you’re one of those stubborn-ass dudes who hates asking for help on a game like this. You just have to figure it all out on your own,” I tease him.

He huffs and narrows his eyes at me, but I can see the glimmer of amusement in his gaze. “Fine, you little brat, tell me how to get past the Cheyenne tribe.”

“With pleasure, sir.” I put on a posh voice, snatching the controller out of his hand and going back to Windy City, where I quickly take out the bandits and start heading for new territory. Like I told him to, I stop and ask for permission to pass through Cheyenne territory, offering them tobacco and grain from my sack before making friends with the chief’s son and picking up a companion for the rest of my journey west.

“Holy puck. I’ve been trying to outrun those guys for like five games now.”

I can’t help a smug smirk, but it doesn’t last long because the wholepuckthing just registered.

“Please tell me you don’t do that too.”

“Do what?” He keeps his eyes on the screen while I negotiate the river crossing.