Raising his hands as two white flags, he backs away. “Chill, man.”

“Fuck off,” I mutter, wrenching the cupboard door open to throw away my empty beer bottle.

“So, you’re in a good mood tonight.” Liam strolls in behind me, as unruffled as ever. How the hell does he do it? Stay so even keel all the time?

All I can manage is a grunt as I down a glass of water, wishing it was straight spirits. That would make these torturous weeks easier to get through, just get my cock completely wasted so it can’t even rise to the occasion.

“Mikayla’s a cool chick.” Liam leans his hip against the breakfast counter, crossing his arms and going for conversational.

I grunt again, and he laughs at me.

“It’s only a few more weeks, and then you can go for it. You can do this, man.”

“I don’t date,” I grit out. “I’m not stringing her along just so I can bang her.”

“Okay.” Liam shrugs. “So just be her friend, then.”

“I’m trying,” I practically whine. “But she makes it fucking impossible.”

“Oh, so it’s her fault?”

“No.” I spin around and scowl at him. “Of course not. I just…” I shake my head. “Having her over here was a bad idea. Asher’s just trying to rub my face in it. He knows Casey likes her, too, and he’s goading me.”

“Casey said he wouldn’t go for it. They’re just playing a video game together.”

I throw him a dark glare, feeling like an immature putz when I grumble, “I don’t like it.”

“Because you like her.”

I clench my jaw and look away from him.

He sighs and bobs his head, his standard MO for when he’s about to dish out some sound advice. “Any other day of the week, you’d meet her, bang her, and never talk to her again. This bet is forcing you to get to know her, and for some reason, that scares the shit out of you.”

I sniff, refusing to tell him why. Maybe ’cuz I don’t know.

Maybe because mycollege isn’t for romanceargument is just a thin veil to hide what I don’t want to acknowledge, what Liam probably knows but is nice enough not to say. You don’t dive deep into this shit when the house is filled with hockey bros and they’re yelling at a TV screen.

“You just have to make a choice. Either be her friend, ditch her, or let yourself fall.” Liam shrugs, acting like it’s the simplest thing in the world.

I shoot him an incredulous look, hating the last two options and not even sure if I’m capable of the first one.

He counters my look with a cheesy smile before spinning and walking out of the kitchen. Gripping the edge of the sink, I huff and shake my head, jerking still when a loud groan rises from the TV room.

“Shitballs!” Mikayla yells above them all.

An instant smile tugs at my lips. I love her potty mouth. She’s hilarious.

“This is your fault, Casey. You’re too pucking slow.”

Casey lets out an indignant gasp, which makes Mikayla laugh, and I’m drawn to the sound like I have no control over my own body.

“Wait, wait, wait… did you just saypucking?” His face lights with glee while she rolls her eyes.

“As ajoke.”

“Nah-uh, you were legitpucking.” He whoops, then goes suddenly serious. “But I’m afraid you’re not qualified to use that term. It’s for hockey players only.”

“Oh, good God!” She groans, tipping back her head. “You guys are ridiculous.”