Page 15 of Ruby

“Yes, it is,” she replies. “How have you been?” She recognizes the man has a drinking problem that can get him into trouble from time to time.

“Oh, about the same,” Harry answers. “I am making a go of AA again. It’s been two weeks since my last drink, making progress.”

“Hank that’s great,” Ruby tells him. “I know you can beat this addiction. Keep taking it one day at a time.”

“Thank you for the encouragement.” Harry looks a little sheepish. “I’m trying. Seems like every time I get to doing good, I fall off the wagon again, but I’ve gotten a good sponsor this time. He’s working hard to keep me on the straight and narrow.”

“Good, I’m glad you have someone to help you,” Ruby says sincerely. “You deserve to have a good life, Harry. I realize you’ve been unhappy with the way things have been going, but I have a feeling, things are going to get better for you.” He gives her another smile.

“So, what are you up to these days?” Harry asks “You been, okay? I worry about you when you disappear for months at a time.”

“Good grief! Don’t you be worrying about me, Harry,” Ruby grumbles. “You sound like Tank. I can take care of myself and you well know it.”

“Tank?” Harry asks, quirking a brow. “You ain’t talkin’ ‘bout the big guy who works with Hawk and his team are you?”

“Yeah, he was at the meeting for the spring fundraiser the other day,” Ruby tells him. “He’s decided I need saving for some reason. He had the nerve to show up at the diner last night, to make sure I made it here safe.” Ruby makes air quotes around “made it here safe”. Harry barks out a laugh, humor lighting his eyes like Ruby’s never seen in him before.

“Ruby girl, I don’t blame him,” Harry declares “If I was thirty years younger and not a drunk, I’d have been at the diner, too.” He winks at her, causing her to blush profusely.

“Harry, stop it!” Ruby scolds him. “You know I’m not looking for a relationship and I’ve been taking care of myself for years. Time to change the subject. Have you spoken to Jolene about the spring fundraiser? She mentioned wanting some of us to sing between sets on the main stage.”

“She mentioned it to me,” Harry answers. “I’m willing to help as long as I get to sing with you. Also depending on if I can stay sober.” He lowers his eyes, getting lost in his memories, which have contributed to his drinking habit.

“Don’t go there, Harry,” Ruby reprimands him. “You can do this. I know you can.”

“Thanks, Ruby girl. I’m really trying,” he tells her. They finish their breakfasts discussing various songs they can sing A Cappello or with a guitar for accompaniment. Bill joins them after a few minutes and agrees to help as well. Once they’ve finished their breakfasts, Ruby clears their trays while the men continue sipping their coffee and shoot the shit. She waves goodbye to the two men as she heads toward the offices near the back. She wants to see if Abigail has gotten here, yet so she can ask her about a long-term cot. No sense in wasting good resources when she could reuse her linens. She knows with winter approaching, she’ll need to stay here more often than not. She can’t stand the cold. That’s why in years past, she’s gone further south like Georgia or Florida. Ruby has agreed to help, and she’s not one to go back on her word.

Entering the hall to the offices she sees Abigail coming from a back door. A large to go cup in one hand and her cell phone to her ear in the other. Ruby slowly makes her way toward Abigail’s office not wanting to intrude on her just getting to work and while she’s on a call. Abigail looks up making eye contact with Ruby. Abigail smiles and waves at her to come on into her office. Abigail hurries around her desk depositing her large tote bag onto the floor and dropping her keys onto its glossy top.

“Hang on a second, Charlotte,” Abigail says into the phone before turning to Ruby. “Have a seat, Ruby. I’ll be with you in a second. I’m finishing a call.” Ruby takes a step inside but stops.

“I don’t want to intrude on your call. I can come back in a few minutes,” Ruby offers. Abigail shakes her head.

“No! Don’t be silly. I’m only talking to Charlotte,” Abigail says as she lays her phone down on her desk putting it on speaker. “You remember her from the meeting?” Ruby nods. “We’re discussing venues for the fundraiser. Charlotte, I’ve put you on speaker. Ruby is here, too.”

“Hi, Ruby!” Charlotte calls over the line. “How are you, this morning?”

“Hello, Charlotte. I’m fine, thanks for asking,” Ruby replies. She shifts on her feet uncomfortably, but takes a seat at Abigail’s urging.

“So, tell me about these places you’re planning on looking at,” Charlotte says to Abigail.

“I’ve been looking to see what places might be large enough for the event,” Abigail replies. “I have started a list. Jacksonville Commons, Jacksonville Country Club, Jacksonville Conference Center, and Lejeune Memorial Gardens are a few that I’ve got on my list. I still have to contact them and make an appointment to discuss it with manager, but at least I’ve gotten my list started.” Abigail laughs.

“Yes! At least you’ve started your list,” Charlotte answers. “I’ve not gotten started on looking for sponsors or checking into caterers. I had plans to do so yesterday, but Lilly wasn’t feeling well. She had a low-grade temperature, so I kept her home from preschool. I don’t think she’s really sick, but Hawk acted like the world was coming to an end, because his little princess had a temperature.” Charlotte laughs. “He’s going to ruin our daughter. The boys get sick and he’s like, ‘Man up you have to be tough’,” Charlotte says deepening her voice in dramatic fashion. “But Lilly can have the sniffles and he’s ready to whisk her off the pediatric ward at the children’s hospital. I’ve tried to tell him she’s as tough as the boys. In some ways tougher, she hardly ever cries over a skinned knee. Lilly is not at all like my Sarah. She cried about everything. Hawk would be a total wreck if Lilly was like Sarah had been.”

“I hope Lilly is feeling better today,” Abigail interjects when Charlotte pauses a moment.

“Yes, she’s up bright eyed and ready to go this morning, much to her Daddy’s relief.” Charlotte sighs. “We didn’t get hardly any sleep for Hawk getting up every hour to check on her. Poor man, he’s going to have a long day.”

“It sure sounds like it,” Abigail says. “Well, I better get off here, Charlotte. I’ve got a ton of things to get done this morning.”

“Sure thing, Abi. I’ll talk to you later.” Charlotte ends the call. Ruby stares at the phone for a second. She didn’t even give Abigail a chance to say goodbye. Ruby looks up at Abigail to see her smiling as if she can read her mind.

“She never says goodbye,” Abigail says with a shrug. “I’ve gotten used to it. I think it’s because none of the guys ever say goodbye or wait for whomever they’re talking to, to say it either.” Ruby shakes her head, smiling. So much of these women’s lives seem to revolve around those alpha men. “What can I do for you, Ruby?”

“I have been thinking that since I’m going to be staying in Jacksonville for the next few months while we get the fundraiser organized, I might as well see about getting a long-term cot. I know if you stay more than a couple of nights, Jolene wants you to get a set space, and I hate the thought of wasting resources on washing linens that could be used longer before washing.” Ruby looks over at Abigail. “I wasn’t sure what all it involves…I’ve never gotten one before.” Abigail nods her understanding while reaching for a file folder on the shelf behind her desk.

“I’ll need to assign you a cot and make a tag for you to put on the foot so no one gets your spot,” Abigail says, pulling a sheet from the folder and getting a large black permanent marker and some card stock paper from a drawer in her desk. She writes on the paper with the marker and looks over the sheet of paper and scribbles something on the grid. She looks up at Ruby. “All done! You can put your tag on cot 16 in the women’s room.” Abigail hands her the sign.