“Thanks, Abigail.” Ruby takes the sign and then remembers she has Abigail’s dishes in her backpack. “Oh, I just remembered. I have your dish. The lasagna was delicious. I really appreciated it last night after my shift at the diner. I was starving when I got here. It really hit the spot.”
“You’re welcome,” Abigail answers warmly. “I’m glad you liked it. I’d love for you to come to the house for dinner sometime. Tank would love it, too.” Abigail grins at her causing Ruby’s face to flush.
“Um, thanks but I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Ruby says, causing the grin to fall from Abigail’s face. “It’s nothing against any of you…I simply can’t. I hope you can understand.” Abigail’s lips pinch into a tight line, but she nods her understanding.
“Sure, I understand.” Abigail gives her a sad smile. “But if you change your mind, the invitation stands, any time, okay?” Ruby smiles back at her, deciding she likes Abigail. She’s kind and thoughtful but respectful of Ruby’s boundaries.
“I better get going. Thanks, Abigail.” Ruby hands over the dish and leaves the office. She makes her way to the bus stop. Time to get her day going.
Many hours later after working another long shift at the diner, again shorthanded, Ruby is dead on her feet. Jose follows her to the front door to lock it behind her as she exits. Ruby is hoping to see Tank’s truck in the parking lot. She’s watched for him to enter the diner all evening, but he’d never shown up. She glances around the parking lot, but there’s no sign of the sexy beast or his huge pickup truck. Disappointment slams her much harder than she’d have expected. He’d said he’d be here, but he isn’t.
While she hasn’t known him long, he’s been a man of his word. Knowing what she does of Abigail and Charlotte’s men, they are all honorable men. He wouldn’t tell her he’d be here then not show up, right? Maybe something happened to him? She dismisses that thought. He’s huge and full of life. She can’t imagine anything getting him down. No, he’s just decided she’s too much effort. It’s the only explanation that comes to mind. Her eyes and nose burn with unexpected tears. She swallows her emotions. It’s for the best, nothing could come of seeing him again anyway. Exhaling she begins to make her way to the bus stop at a fast clip. Ready to put this day and the sexy beast behind her.
Tank’s team makes their way through dense jungle terrain on silent feet, the thick undergrowth making the trek difficult. The air is humid. The smell of rotting vegetation and decaying animal fills the air. The flight to the Columbian jungle had taken forever, getting on Tank’s last nerve, which is unlike him. Tank is hoping his team can get this over with sooner rather than later. He’s still plagued with the knowledge he’d told Ruby he would pick her up after her shift at the diner, and he wasn’t there when she’d gotten off. He’s kicking himself for not thinking to ask Abigail to tell her, since he wouldn’t be able to make it.
They’re hiking their way to the compound to gather the needed intel. His senses are on high alert. His eyes scanning the jungle in all directions, watching for anything which looks out of place. This antsy feeling like something bad is about to happen is riding him hard. His intuition hasn’t ever let him down, which means the shit is going to hit the fan. The team has fanned out, but close enough to see one another.
Looking to his right, Tank sees Straw moving up beside him. Their eyes meet. Tank can tell Straw is feeling the same anxiety he’s feeling. With a slight nod of his head, Tank begins to move again ducking under a vine. Movement to his right up ahead catches his attention. He holds up a fist signaling those around him to stop in their tracks. Tank crouches down noticing his team members follow suit. He studies the jungle, looking for whatever had caught his eye, but nothing moves. He continues to wait, something or someone is waiting just up ahead.
Time drags on. About the time he’s beginning to doubt himself, Straw moves slightly. Tank slowly turns his head. Straw makes almost imperceptible hand movements indicating he’s picked up what’s hiding a few meters ahead. After some quick relay of information among the team, they begin to converge on the offending target.
Virus and Worm, being on the outer left end of their line, slip quickly ahead of the team as does Bull and Mercury on the outer right end of their line. The rest of the team begins to fill in the gaps essentially creating a human net to capture what’s lurking up ahead. The closer they move toward their target, the stronger Tank’s sense of unease grows. This could be a trap intended to take them all out. He keeps his head on a slow swivel as they creep ever closer. Tension building like an oppressive weight.
In minutes, Tank hears a click in his ear piece signaling Virus, Worm, Bull, and Mercury are in place and ready for the shitshow to begin. Tank holds his position, waiting for the signal to forge ahead. Seconds later, Deadeye whispers into their comms, “Go! Go! Go!”.
The jungle erupts into a cacophony of sounds as the team moves, weapons up at the ready. Tank’s Mk18 is held tightly to his shoulder as he moves toward the target. Alert and ready for whatever comes his way, he moves on light feet despite his size. The first bangs of gunfire explode signaling the start of what will become an hour long standoff.
Tank hunkers down behind a tree bark flying as bullets pepper his location. Glancing around he can see his teammates are also taking cover in similar fashion. They exchange gunfire with the unknown enemy for several minutes, but they’re unable to eliminate the target. Deadeye’s voice comes over the comms calling to base command.
“Knight 1 to Coruscant,” Deadeye whispers softly into the comm. His voice calm and controlled, despite the bullets flying around the team.
“Coruscant, go ahead Knight 1,” comes Hawk’s reply. Tank smiles to himself thinking about the argument that had ensued when Wallace had come up with the call signs for this mission. Wallace is a huge Star Wars fan. Therefore when the task of naming the mission is up to Wallace it’s going to have something to do with the famous movie chain. Deadeye had been so annoyed he’d threatened to go AWOL. Not that he would’ve, but he’d at least tried to get these ridiculous names changed.
“We’re taking fire from unfriendlies,” Deadeye relates calmly. Another volley of gunfire erupts, sending a barrage of bullets flying around them. “You got eyes on what we’re dealing with?”
“Stand-by Knight 1,” Hawk responds. “Sat images are coming up now. We lost visual briefly.” Moments later they hear their C.O. let out a series of creatively strung together curses. “Knight 1 large contingent of storm troopers headed your way, including several walkers. Exploring escape routes…” Hawk’s voice fades out. Tank knows the term storm troopers is referring to cartel members and walkers indicate vehicles, likely jeeps or big trucks. Hawk is back on air a few seconds later. “Head south west for 5 clicks should get you in the clear. Falcon incoming to handle the troopers.” The Falcon is an aircraft, either a chopper or jet, to provide them with cover fire or likely some small rockets to eliminate these assholes. With the last statement, Deadeye signals for them to move. The team moves in waves. Part of the team providing cover fire while the rest move toward their destination. They take turns firing, then moving until they are all mostly away from the group of unfriendlies.
Fuck! Tank thinks to himself as he takes position to provide cover for his team. They haven’t even gotten close to their intended target, and already they’re taking heavy fire. This isn’t looking like it’s going to be an easy mission. Tank takes careful aim, watching as his next shot hits its target. Once his teammates are clear, Tank gets to his feet and follows while other are providing him cover. The roar of the approaching aircraft has Tank picking up his pace. He isn’t about to be taken out by friendly fire. The craft soars overhead, and moments later, the jungle explodes in fire and flying debris. Branches, dirt, and leaves sail through the air and beat against his back as he runs. The heat from the blast almost too much, but he doesn’t slow down. He kicks in a burst of speed, putting as much distance as he can between himself and the destruction left by the bombs the aircraft have dropped. The team continues at a fast clip until they reach a well-worn path. Deadeye holds up a fist. The team stops, each designated man taking their predetermined lookout post while Deadeye and the others regroup and decide their next move.
“Knight 1 to Coruscant,” Deadeye calls, pausing to await HQ’s response.
“Coruscant here,” Hawk responds, “go ahead.”
“Knights have reached Hoth, awaiting intel on Devaron,” Deadeye relates. Hoth being the name given to any meeting location which is chosen on the fly during the mission. Devaron is a jungle planet, so the compound site has been named Devaron.
“Devaron remains quiet. Normal levels of storm troopers,” Hawk returns. “No new activity on sat feed. Proceed as planned.”
“Confirm, Coruscant,” Deadeye replies, “Knights on the move. Out”
“Confirmed, Knights,” Hawk answers. “May the force be with you. Out.” Tank chuckles to himself. Hawk might have halfheartedly protested at the use of Star Wars lingo, but he’s obviously gotten on board with it. The team moves out, once again, pushing closer to their target, but the location is still several clicks away. It seems the disturbance they encountered hasn’t drawn any more enemy their way.
Once they reach their destination, they’ll have to wait for the cover of darkness to sneak inside the place to find out as much as possible including numbers of troops, weapons, and any surveillance. The next day will be filled waiting, as they will have to monitor the site a few days working out patterns in guard changes, watch routes, and to see who’s coming and going.
Tank is overwhelmed with thoughts of Ruby and not getting to tell her he would be gone for a while. Abigail will keep an eye out for her. She has a good heart and can relate to Ruby’s current life situation much better than Straw likes. The man gets all growly when anything is mentioned about how Abigail had lived while on the run. The poor woman thought she’d killed her ex. It was in self-defense, but she’d been afraid no one would believe her. She’d been living hand to mouth for over four years when Straw found her and brought her out of that life.