Page 14 of Ruby

“What information do we have about the hostage?” Virus asks. “How long have they been held?”

“The niece of highly influential businessman disappeared one week ago while on a college associated archeological exploration trip to Columbia. The group had plans to visit several different sites on their month-long tour,” Hawk briefs them. “The girl was taken six days after they arrived in country. It’s believed that her kidnappers somehow knew the group’s itinerary and picked a time and location where she could easily be taken. There were other students around her at the time of her abduction, but she was the only one taken. She was obviously targeted, although no specific demands have been made to date. Her uncle, who is making a bid for a senate seat, has the ear of several politicians who know the right people in brass to get this rolling sooner rather than later. Once we’ve gathered the intel, the SEALs will go in to extract her. At least this is the plan, at the moment. I can’t say what chain will decide before it’s all said and done.”

“When do we roll out?” Straw asks. His tone dreadful. Tank can tell since Straw has Abigail and Ellie waiting at home, he’s not nearly as eager to head off to parts unknown for missions. Not that Tank can blame him. He isn’t feeling too eager himself. He’s worried about Ruby being out there all alone while he’s not around.

“We’re wheels up, in thirty minutes. Sorry boys, it’s not much notice, but we all know how this goes,” Hawk tells them. “I knew this mission was coming, but I thought we’d have more time. Some new intel came in an hour ago, which links the girl’s abduction to the drug cartel. It’s stepped up our time line. The politicians are breathing down brass’s necks to get the girl out ASAP. So, gear up. Time to light some fires, boys. Dismissed.”

The teams proceed to their locker room where they each keep a “go” bag for situations such as this. Tank’s stomach drops. He has no way to get in touch with Ruby to tell her he’ll be gone and no idea when he might get back.Fuck!He hasn’t explained his job to her, not wanting to scare her off any more than he’s already scaring her. He jerks open his locker to assemble his gear. Worry for her safety in his absence heavy on his mind.

“Who pissed in your Cheerios?” Virus asks, stopping outside Tank’s space. Tank glares up at him from his seated position where he’s checking his rifle, pistol, and ammunition. Virus holds up his hands. “Sorry, dude just noticed you seem upset or something. Not trying to pry.” Tank huffs out a breath.

“I’m sorry, Virus,” Tank answers. “It’s nothing serious, just wasn’t expecting this, but I’ll deal.” He gives Virus a smile. “We always do, don’t we?” Virus nods his agreement and heads on down to his locker area to begin his preparations. Tank looks up to see Straw heading his way.

“Hey, I’m going to step out and call Abi. Let her know we won’t be home for diner…anytime in the near future,” Straw informs him. Straw’s face marred with disappointment and concern. An idea comes to Tank; Straw will help him out.

“Would you do me a favor?” Tank asks. Straw quirks a brow so Tank hurries to tell him, “Would you ask Abigail to…you know keep an eye on Ruby, make sure she’s doing okay, has food and stuff.” Tank feels like a bumbling idiot. Realistically he appreciates that Ruby’s been taking care of herself for a long time, but now that she’s on his radar, he can’t not worry about her. Straw gives him a goofy grin.

“Sure,” Straw answers. “I’ll tell her. You want Abi to tell her we are out of town for a while?” Tank thinks on this for a moment.

“No. I don’t want Abigail to have to try to explain what we do,” Tank begins. “I wanted to tell her myself, but we’ve run out of time before our first mission. Hell, she’s tried her best to avoid me for the most part. I want her to get to know me before I dump what we do for a living on her. I’ll catch up with her when we get back.” Straw frowns at him but signals his understanding before heading out the door to make his call.

Tank busies himself readying his gear, but his mind is on the red-haired beauty who’s been on his mind since the moment he met her. Ruby is gorgeous in Tank’s mind although she’s underweight. Despite being on the thin side he couldn’t help notice the size of her breasts, the gentle curves of her hips, or the shape of her calves. Her thin, tiny frame is dwarfed next to him, but she’s just right for him. He hopes she’ll have enough to eat while he’s gone and that she’ll sleep at the shelter and not in a park or on the streets. He should have told her what he does for a living, maybe even offered to let her stay in their guest room at the house. He isn’t sure she would have accepted the invitation not knowing them all that well, but at least he’d have tried. If she had agreed, Abigail would make sure she has a good meal every night. More importantly he’d know she has a warm safe place to sleep.Fuck!He has dropped the ball. He simply needs to make sure he makes it back from this op so he can take care of her and continue the relationship he’s been trying to forge with her.



Ruby enters the shelter after Tank has walked her to the door. Her mind racing with thoughts of the handsome beast. She collects sheets, a pillow, and a blanket before heading to the women’s room. She hopes she can find an empty cot and not have to sleep on the floor or in the family room. Ruby doesn’t have anything against children, but the family room is noisier than the women’s room. Babies waking in the night crying doesn’t make for a good night’s sleep.

She’s in luck as there are several empty cots still available. She makes her bed, claiming her spot. Then she heads to the cafeteria and warms up the food Tank gave her. The delicious smell of garlic and tomato sauce making her stomach rumble as the dish warms in the microwave. She eats quickly but savors the food. The richness of the lasagna fills her belly and causes her to get sleepy. The long day and a full belly drag at her.

She makes her way back to the women’s room and her cot. She settles in for the night. She’s so tired after the long day she’s had and the emotional turmoil over dealing with Tank’s insistence of getting to know her. Damn she wishes she could allow him to be in her life, but she won’t put him at risk. It’s bad enough she has to worry about her own safety. She’d never be able to forgive herself if Tank got hurt because of her. Her mind drifts back in time as sleep takes her...

* * *

“Aren’t you ready yet?”Tony asks as he enters her bedroom. Mary is sitting at her vanity, staring at nothing as memories of her mother laying in a puddle of blood, her eyes vacant, repeat in her mind over and over. She’s thought of the moments right before everything went crazy, her mother bragging on her performance. Her excitement for the family to meet at Umberto’s for dinner. Mary shudders. If she hadn’t tripped and fallen, would she be dead, too? At Tony’s question, she raises her eyes to meet his in the mirror. His face set in hard lines. “What are you doing, Mary? Father is waiting. You know how he gets when you make him wait.” Mary can’t keep her thoughts to herself anymore. She needs someone to talk to, to tell them what she’d seen that night. Her throat tight and eyes leaking tears down her face.

“I can’t get married, Tony. Not after losing Mom like that.” Mary’s voice hitches on a sob. “You weren’t there. You didn’t see her like I did. Her eyes staring up at the sky. And the blood, so much blood. I can’t get it out of my head!” Suddenly Tony grips her shoulders, pulling her to her feet and turning her to face him before wrapping his arms around her. Mary sobs, deep anguished wails coming from her. Finally releasing all the fear, grief, and anger that’s been plaguing her since that horrible night.

“Shush,” Tony murmurs, holding her close. His voice also thick with emotion. “I’m so sorry you saw all that, Mary. I never wanted you to see something like that.” Mary continues to cry for several long minutes, Tony holding her, murmuring comforting words to her. She’s beginning to calm down, when she hears footsteps in the hallway. Opening her eyes, she sees her father standing in her open doorway. His face contorted in grief. His eyes shiny with unshed tears. Not stepping into her room, he merely stands in the doorway watching her and Tony trying to comfort each other.

After a couple of minutes, he clears his throat. “We need to get going, Mary. Dry those tears and finish getting ready. We leave in five minutes.” Her father turns and walks away. Mary can’t believe that he’s still planning on marrying her off to a complete stranger. She raises her head to look at Tony. Her heart clenches at what she sees. Tony’s face has hardened much like their father’s. He stares back at her for a beat, then he pulls away.

“You heard him, Mary. Get ready and don’t make us wait on you,” Tony’s voice is as hard and unforgiving as is the expression on his face. He, too, turns away from her and leaves her standing there alone in her grief, wondering what in the hell has happened to her family.

Mary turns back to her vanity dropping back into her seat. With her hands shaking so hard she can barely hold onto the brushes, she finally manages to make herself look presentable. She makes her way downstairs without falling to her death, even though her legs are like wet noodles. She allows them to lead her out to the waiting car in the driveway and a fate she can’t imagine.

* * *

Ruby wakesto a dismal rainy morning. Thunder rumbles, indicating her walking to the diner is not a good idea. She’s going to need to take the bus or risk getting soaking wet and freezing cold. She made some really good tips last night, so she could take a taxi, but she doesn’t like spending so much money. She has to keep a good stash on hand in case she has to bail and it takes a while to find work.

She takes the sheets and blankets from her cot and places them in the receptacle for dirty linen. Since she’s planning on staying in the area a while for the fundraiser, she should discuss getting a long-term cot so they don’t have to wash her linens every day, but Ruby’s never had one before. If they want more information than a name, she can’t risk it. Sighing, she decides she will ask what information is needed when Abigail comes in this morning. Her decision made, she finishes clearing her space before going to the cafeteria for coffee and breakfast.

After getting her tray, she notices Harry sitting at one of the tables. He’s been staying at this shelter off and on for many years. He’s a Marine veteran. He suffers from PTSD and has an alcohol problem, but he’s a really nice man when he’s not hitting the bottle. Ruby takes in his appearance. He looks pretty good this morning so she decides to sit with him and see if she can get his thoughts on performing at the fundraiser.

“Good morning, Harry,” Ruby greets him as she takes a seat. The older man looks up with his sad tired light blue eyes.

“Good morning, Ruby girl.” Harry smiles at her as she sits down. “Rainy morning, going to make for a messy day.”