“Can you make words really hard?”
“Shit boy, you're making me really hard.” Caeo huffs at me. “Go.”
I head up to the room where Caeo and I will be staying and freeze in the door. It's the guest room that looks like a hotel suite.
“Not this.” The memory of rushing water slams down on me, chilling my bones and stealing my breath. “No, no, get it off.”
I feel myself running, trying to break away from the feeling. It's drowning me.
Arms wrap around my chest, pinning my arms against my body. The weight around me forces me down. I need this tightness around my body so I can cope with the tightness inside me.
“I've got you Nico. Daddy's got you.” He's been talking to me for a while now, but his words only begin to register.
“Thank you, Daddy. Fuck me, Daddy.”
“Keep your eyes shut Baby. I'm going to take care of you.”
I don't think I could open my eyes right now even if I wanted to. He stands, breaking my contact with the floor. My hands grip his arms. I know he is taking me back to the room, but if I can't see it, it can't hurt me.
The bed isn't like Caeo's, but I manage to make my muscles limp as he lies me on the mattress. Far from the ball I want to curl into, he stretches me out. I want to wrap up in the covers and hide, but he strips me instead.
“Nico, can you hear me?” His voice drifts around my mind, like lightning spearing through the fog in my mind. I nod, giving a grunt as his hand rests on the curve of my butt.
“Nico, how do you spell dog?”
“D-o-g.” Too easy.
“Good boy.” His praise is so good.
“Can you spell cow?”
“No.” He warns me before a sharp sting blooms across my arse cheek. “C-ow.”
“Cottage.” Caeo challenges.
Considering I've just failed a three-letter word, he's being a bit ambitious here. “C-o-t-a-j-e?”
His hand slaps across my arse and the words continue. I asked for hard words and I'm getting them. After the first ten words, I'm not even trying anymore.
Caeo's hand claps across my cheeks, each one adds to the pain already there.
“Enough, please Daddy. Need your cock.”
“I'll tell you when you've had enough,” Caeo growls back. “Badger.”
“b-a-j-e-r,” I wail, as a wet finger breeches my hole.
“See, greedy baby wants more.” Caeo's hand cuffs my cheek.
“Yes, Daddy. More.”
“Pandemonium, baby. Earn another finger.”
His hand across my cheek barely registers as his finger fucks me fast and deep, his knuckles almost punching my arse.