Page 55 of Destroyer

“Yes Daddy. Yes.”

Despite almost guaranteeing I spelt the word wrong; I get the extra finger stretching me out.


“Purp-en-dick-you-la.” I don't even bother spelling that, just stuttering it back to him in syllables. The smack comes sharp and hard but the full feeling in my arse is better than anything his can deliver to my skin. Another finger completes the set, and his hand fucks me until I can't breathe.

Somewhere along the line my cock spills my release on the mattress, but it all just blends into one explosion of pleasure that shuts off my mind.

Chapter thirty-five


Lyingonthebedwith my naked boy sleeping against me is the highlight of my life. The duvet covering us gives the warm snuggly feel and I can't help feeling tired myself. Being with this boy is a dream I never thought I'd have. Now nothing in the world can keep me from him, even all the issues he has with his past trauma. It's not just his abduction that haunts him, he's been betrayed by everyone who should have cared for him but didn't. People he has planned to kill with a plan that is utterly brilliant.

Once Knox texts to say Gregory has left, it's time to wake my boy and head down.

Fish and chips smells so good, even Nico picks up at the smell, losing some of his boneless contentment.

“Balen is here. He's meeting with my father tomorrow, and his son is meeting with Carter. They want to move fast before the Russians get wise.”

Knox's words leave a bitter taste to the fish.

“The only good news is that they don't know where Nico is.” Knox signs and leans back in his chair. “What the fuck is my dad thinking?”

“Balen might have threatened him?” I shrug.

“Not is my grandfather making threats. Edward has me finding holes in family. Paul Newman had been-”

“You were interrogating that man for Edward Thayer?” I gasp. My boy wasn't doing some moonlight murder, he was following the orders of his boss, just like always and forever. When he gets no more orders, he do no more killing.

“Not did I find who Paul was cleaning money through. He was snaking the money for the Russians, and Edward does not want links.”

If I smile at Nico, it might fool him into thinking I know what he's talking about. The truth is, I can't be angry at Edward for continuing to use Nico as he had before. It was only me who wants to wrap him in cotton wool like he was made of glass.

Knox's phone rings, and he groans as he looks at the screen.

“What is it?”

“It's Benny, Sir. I'm at the main gate. Your father and Andrei Balen are here. What do you want me to say?”

“Tell them I'm eating. They can wait five minutes for me to finish.”

“Yes sir.”

Everyone starts looking at everyone else, each wanting someone else to speak. As much as I want Nico to get out, he can't go running around by himself, and I can't go with him.

“Porter, take Nico and hide in the panic room until I come and get you. Hide your wrappings.”

Porter stands up, eager to get upstairs, Nico is more reluctant, but he does obey Knox.

The doorbell rings barely a minute later.

“I wish I could get you out,” Knox mutters.

“My place is here. There is nowhere else I'd rather be.”

“Then I'm glad you're with me.”