Page 53 of Destroyer

“When will his grandfather arrive here?” I find myself pacing the floor. We have very little support available; only a few very loyal members of the family would join us to take Edward head on, even if we explained the situation.

“He's told Nico and Carter the situation, so I’d bet he's already on his way here. He won't want them having time to plan anything.”

“We're fucked,” I conclude.

“We need to hear Nico's plan and I'm willing to give it serious consideration.” Knox groans, his whisky glass reaches his lip, but he doesn't take a sip. “I'd be a good pawn for my father if he'd told me what the fuck he was doing. But there is no way Nico can do what they want from him.”

“Nope,” I agree. Nico is a free spirit. Giving him chauffeur driven limos and bodyguards would be too much. They plan to turn Nico into Knox, just because of the kid's surname.

“Let's go watch them swim and then we plan.” Knox discards the undrunk whisky on the table and heads out of the room.

Nico is swimming with Porter, it's a very effective swimming stroke, but it is definitely doggy paddle he is doing. I can only imagine what horrible situation forced my boy to learn to swim.

Chapter thirty-four


Ithinkthephraseis catching flies. Both Caeo and Knox are sitting with their mouths open. Suddenly the grand plan I've revealed to them feels very silly.

“It is a terrible plan.” Maybe if I say it, they won't feel so bad about thinking it too. I've never doubted it before, but I've never really thought I'd carry it out either. “Can you make it good, clever Mr Knox?”

“Nico, the plan is fucking amazing.” Caeo gapes like a fish. “Maybe you could run two families and organise a hostile takeover of the middle ground.”

“No. Not can I do anything that means wearing a suit. They make my brain go stupid.” I'm definitely becoming more of a onesie and dummy kind of guy.

“I couldn't imagine that pretty voice coming from a man in a suit.”

“And I'd have to comb my hair.” I do brush it, but it stays a messy mop of curls whatever I do with it. A wave of seriousness comes over me. This isn’t just about the change in lifestyle they want to force on me. “If we do this, I can in every favour anyone owe me. I want reward.”

“I mean, keeping your life as your own should be reward enough,” Knox shrugs.

“I want to retire from family. I will just be Daddy's home boy.”

“House pet,” Knox corrects. “And if we do this, I would insist on both.”

“Could I go to school? Maybe I could learn stuff?”

“We can definitely arrange something.” Caeo grins proudly at me. “If you can't get into some form of education, I'll pay for a private tutor.”

I don't know exactly what a tutor is, but I have watched enough of Gavriil's videos to know she will be wearing short clothing and carry a whip. “Yes please.”

“What do we need to do in order to put this in motion?” Knox brings us back on track.

“We need to know when Balen is getting here, and I call Russians. Also, we need to know where Gregory is.”

“I'll send Gladys home, we can order fish and chips. I'll invite Gregory over if you two lay low upstairs. He doesn’t need to know what we are planning.”

“Can we lay low in bed?” I question.

“Sure Baby,” Caeo grins.

“Can you test my spelling?”

“If you want?” Caeo agrees uncertainly.

“Can you spank me if I get words wrong?”

“Uh, OK.” Caeo's voice splutters as he speaks.