Page 21 of Threading Carefully

My throat tightened. “What kind of romantic experiences?”

“It's actually not that bad. Just some hand holding and cuddling during a movie.”

“Hand holding and cuddling while watching a movie? He's never done any of that with someone before?”

“Evidently not. Or else he wouldn't be asking.”

“Sounds like he's looking for a date.” I sighed, shoving the lasagna in the oven.

“No. He said all of that was too complicated when he tried doing it the first time. He's hoping to just cut to the chase and jump right into things, as opposed to having to get to know someone online first.”

“I don't know, Henry.” Taking a deep breath, I ran a hand through my hair.

“You don't have to decide now. Take your time and give me a call when you know.”

This guy wasn't giving me any other choice. If I wanted the stuff I’d requested, I had to give him what he wanted. How else would I get it? He did this for a living. He knew where a lot of this stuff was, more than most monsters. At least that's what I was told by Edgar. I thought about it some more, with Henry still on the line, while I glanced at the letters from all my patients who were grateful for what I'd done for them lately.

I had to do this. This stuff could change the whole world. Maybe even bring both worlds closer together. The government and other humans would see how important keeping this world around was. They'd realize how important it was to protect it. They really had more to offer us than the other way around. Allmykind gave to Nova were things.

“I'll do it.”

“Really?” His voice jumped to a higher octave. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah. But one hour of cuddling and twenty minutes max of hand holding.”

“I'll tell him and get back to you with his answer tomorrow.”

“That works. I won't be able to head that way until the weekend.”

“That's only four days away. You still have time to change your mind.”

“I don't plan to.”

We both ended the call, and my stomach fluttered when virtual hearts showed up in a notification box. Nova. He was online.

Pieces of me: I can't talk on here for long, but I wanted to say hi.

Me: Isn't it getting dark soon?

Pieces of me: Yeah, but I got money today, so I paid for my own room this time.

Me: Then why can't you talk long?

Pieces of me: I'm ordering dinner soon. Three different things, and I kind of fell into a thorn bush. It tried to suffocate and eat me. But I got away, with lots of injuries.

Me: That doesn't sound good.

Pieces: No. I saw a doctor on base already and he gave me some painkillers. He called them that, but they feel more like sleeping pills.

Me: Oh boy. I hope you get to your room safely.

Pieces of me: If you were here, you could make sure I did.

Me: Yeah, and I would too, but sadly I'm here. I'm coming there again this weekend though.

Was I going to agree to meet up with him this time? I wanted to. Nova wanted a friend to hold hands and to snuggle with, but I’d said I didn't know if I could give him those things. Yet I was about to give them to some stranger who I'd never said one word to, all for better medicine and more happy patients who got to live long enough to see their children grow up.

I wasn't doing it for me, but everything I’d done with Nova so far was. Thoughts of him kept me smiling constantly during the day, and I actually slept through the night so I could wake up to his hearts. What if I didn't get anything out of the other stuff he wanted to share with me? I was worried it wouldn't mean the same for me as it did him, and I didn't want to disappoint my new friend. Not when I wanted to keep him in my life for a little longer. I could promise to continue our phone calls, but not that I'd want to hold his hand or kiss him when I saw him.