Page 22 of Threading Carefully

My phone finally went off again.

Pieces of me: Will you meet up with me? We can grab pizza and you can show me bubbles.

Me: That would be a fun day. I don't know if I'll have time to hang out yet, but we'll see.

Pieces of me: Will you call me tonight?

Me: Yeah. How does in two hours sound?

Pieces of me: Perfect.

I called him when I said I would, and he was in the middle of eating cheesecake. His happy sounds warmed my heart, and I was happy to be able to at least give him this, if not everything else. Our daily conversations, shared laughs, and friendship meant so much to both of us. I told him he was cute some more and complimented his light laughter. He needed to know how wonderful he was.

“Hey, Franky?”


“Do you have any pets? I told you about mine but don't remember asking about yours.”

“I don't have time for pets, sadly. I had a dog when I was growing up though. His name was Hank.”

“Hank and Frank.” He giggled. “I like it.”

“Yeah.” I laughed half-heartedly. “I guess I never paid attention to how similar our names sounded before now.”

“If you could have a pet now, what kind would it be?”

“Hmmm . . . I'm not sure. I always wanted a rabbit.”

“I have to remember what a rabbit is.”

“They have long ears and hop.”

“Ohh right, like Peter Rabbit.”

“You know, I should start using movies to explain things.”

“Yeah, that would save you a lot of time and trouble.” He blew out a breath. “I think I ate too much cake.”

“Maybe too much food in general. You might want to slow down.”

“I'm almost out of money so I kinda have to. They have complimentary breakfast tomorrow though. I missed it last time. I can't wait to try pancakes.”

“You’ll probably eat your way through the base in no time.”

“Human food is delicious,” he said, with excitement in his voice.

“That it is. There are some not-so-good foods too though, so watch out for those.”

After cleaning up the kitchen, I dressed for bed and got comfortable under the blankets. He talked the whole time about what he saw today and all the first experiences he got to have this week.

“I enjoyed getting to be around for some of them,” I said.

“I like having you around for my firsts too. I only wish you’d get to share some of them with me this weekend.”

I was going to do it, wasn't I? I had to. The sudden, desperate need to give him more wouldn't wane. “Then I will. Let's go ahead and get that pizza together after I'm done doing this thing for work.”

“Really?” He sounded like he’d won the lottery.