Page 20 of Threading Carefully

“Oh, it's like the strings that hang from your ears, right? I think I saw those inShe's the Man.”

“You and your movies. I don't think I've seen that one either, but it sounds familiar.”

He went quiet for a long time, and I listened to his breathing before talking again.



“You think we could ever be friends who hold hands?”


“You think we could be friends who cuddle too?” I asked, holding the pillow to my chest.


“What about ones who kiss?”

“Uh-huh.” His snores filled the line shortly after, and instead of hanging up I scooted down in bed and pressed the phone tighter to my ear. Closing my eyes, I listened to his sleeping sounds and pretended he was right next to me. Maybe someday he could be, and maybe someday I'd look back and miss how easy it was to be able to pretend these things could actually happen.



Running a hand through my hair, I waited for coffee to fill my cup. My shift was almost over, and I was ready to go home. My bed was calling my name and so was the lasagna I’d put in the freezer yesterday. I hadn't heard from Nova since early this morning and all I had waiting for me in my inbox was a bunch of virtual hearts and kisses. He was probably heading back home. I wasn’t sure what I’d even been saying towards the end of our phone call.

Exhausted and barely lucid, I’d been dozing in and out a lot, while trying to keep talking so he didn't feel so alone in a new place. Eventually sleep had taken me and I’d woken up with my phone on the floor. I moved a lot in my sleep and got uncomfortable pretty easily. It didn't matter how large mybed was. The only person who’d ever spent the night with me had complained about me constantly stealing the covers and pushing her to the edge. She’d also mentioned something about me slapping her when I was turning over. We didn't speak much after that.

From then on, I’d shied away from sleepovers. Not like they led to anything anyway. I struggled to be the one to make the first move, and the women I dated definitely wanted me to initiate everything. Evidently, telling them to “kiss me first and I wouldn't stop them,” wasn't the right thing to say. I got wrapped up in my own head a lot whenever I was so close and personal with another person. I overthought everything and preferred for someone else to take the lead.

Probably why mine and Edgar's friendship worked so well. With Nova, I hadn't minded meeting him halfway on some things. It happened without me thinking about it too. Was what I'd felt when we talked the spark I'd been looking for? It was definitely pleasant and growing addicting.

I finished working and headed home, and two missed calls waited for me on my phone when I entered the front door. I didn't know why I expected one to be from the hotel. When I called there during my lunch break, they said Nova had checked out. I paid for his hotel and food but still had no idea what he looked like. I knew what he sounded like though. He really did have a cute voice, and I couldn't stop using that word to describe him. It would fade from my mind for a little while only to come back.

It was also true about him reminding me of a puppy or kitten. I meant what I’d said about how he sounded too. Turning my attention back to my phone, I returned a call from a mysterious number, and it rang only twice before someone picked up.

“Hey. It's Henry. I hope you don't mind that Edgar gave me your number. I spoke to my guy this morning. We met on base, and I gave him your list.”

“Great. What did he say?”

“He'll do it, as long as you agree to his trade. It's kind of . . . he said he’d understand if you didn't want to do it. I tried to get him to consider something else, but he wouldn't budge.”

“What is it?” I asked, leaning against my kitchen counter.

“He . . . well . . .”

“Just tell me. I'm sure it can't be that bad.”

“Depends on your definition of bad.”

“Will you just tell me already? If it's the cost you're worried about—”

“This will actually cost you nothing. Not money at least.”

“Okay now you're scaring me.” I walked to the freezer and pulled out my dinner.

“He said he wanted to trade for romantic experiences with a human. That he had enough stuff for now.”