But it was…something. Politeness, maybe. My fear of fucking up. That Ren wasn’t always in the mood for it, so I wanted to check before assuming, or maybe it was just the way I secretly liked him telling me what to do. Either way, it was one of the rare orders I obeyed without question.
Ren hitched himself higher around my waist, the tightness of the collar against his throat making it shift with each one of his breaths. “You may proceed,” he said casually as if allowing me to open the fucking curtains, and I made sure to ruin his impeccable composure by stuffing my fingers into him as deep as they’d go.
He let out a sharp hiss of surprise and clawed furiously at my back as I fucked him with two fingers and then three. He’d spent hours teaching me about how our bodies worked, guiding my fingers into us both, and I knew how he liked to be touched. How to curl my finger just so to make him breathless, and tojust missthat sweet spot inside him so he growled in frustration and ordered me to fill him with my cock instead.
Maybe I’d taught myself that last one.
And even though his smirk said he knew what I was doing, Ren played along anyway, letting me sink myself into his tight, oiled heat with a contented sigh that seemed to reverberate through my entire body. The shelves against his back rattled as I thrust up into him.
“Slower,” he said.
I ignored him. He grasped my hair at the roots and yanked on it, making me fumble to keep hold of him.
“Slower, Nathanael.”
Ren was terrible at denying himself for his own sake, butexcellentat doing so when it meant he got to torture someone else.
Namely, me.
I whined out my displeasure at not getting to fuck him hard and fast, and he ground his heel into my left ass cheek in warning. Even through the fabric of my trousers still bunched at my hips, I felt it.
“How do you have such bony fucking ankles?” I complained. Ren’s answering smile was all teeth.
“I think what should be coming out of that mouth of yours are less protests and more ‘I live to serve, Your Majesty’s,” he advised with a terrifying glimmer in his lust-drenched gaze, “considering you still have a session in my ropes to look forward to. Or did you think I’d forgotten?”
Ren never forgot anything, unless it was conveniently in his interest to do so. His natural aptitude for politics meant he remembered the most inane details of long-ceased trade deals and inter-family grievances, and if asked, he could probably recite every single plea that had ever been brought before him as prince and king. So it was useless trying to deny his threatening promise to me this morning.
“You were down here so long that you missed that too,” I murmured against his lips, pulling out almost all the way so I could sink into him deep – and torturouslyslow,damn you, Ren – and making us both gasp out our pleasure into each other’s mouths. His ass clenched around me, choking my cock. “If only you’d been there,moy dorogoi. My punishment was terribly painful and I was a changed man by the end of it. There’s no need to ever cane me again, I’m afraid.”
The king’s laugh was low and wicked. “There’s never been aneedto cane you, darling. I just like doing it.”
“Pain whore,” he shot back.
“You love it.”
“I do,” he agreed happily. “And if you ever dare find yourself a ‘changed man’, I’ll be sure to beat all of your obstinate, mopey, contraryVelichkovnessback into you, okay?”
“Okay,” I said, and shuddered as I bottomed out in him, drowning in the sensation of feeling Ren’s passage tighten around me. How he could blow my mind with sex while holding up our banter and his own weight astounded me, but I was used to my husband being an over-achiever. “Can I please,pleasego fast now?”
The slow thrusts were amazing; deep and satisfying and words that I could only think of asuhhhhandohhhhandahhhh,but my muscles were straining, my cock aching, and my mind rapidly descending into fuzz. It was torture. I needed to move, to fuck, to come,now.
“If you beg me some more, I’ll consider it,” Ren said delightedly, watching my descent into a puddle of slathering, brainless goo with gleeful satisfaction. He shimmied his hips to wreck me all over again, and I fear the glorious feeling of the head of my cock brushing against his inner walls was what broke me, for I heard myself begging shamelessly, pleading with him and agreeing to whatever he wanted until he finally conceded.
And with his whispered permission ringing in my ears, I let loose, clutching him tight and fucking up into him with short, shallow movements that had me coming within seconds.
Exhausted and depleted, I let my eyes close and my head drop forward to rest against his bare chest, listening to the rapid thump of my husband’s heart as it beat in time with my own.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Fingers combed tenderly through my hair, far from the scalp-wrenching pulls he’d delivered to it earlier. “Are you going to move?”
I made a disagreeable sound, feeling satiated and a little bit giddy. Ren’s heartrate had returned to its resting state, and I still had him pinned against the bookcase, his skin warm against my cheek. My cock had softened and slipped free, but I still didn’t want to let him go. I liked having him in my arms, safe and secure, and for the first time all day knowing exactly where he was.
“You’ve left me unsatisfied before. Maybe I owe you the same,” I murmured, well aware that the reason he wanted us moving again was pressing insistently against my stomach, solid and distracting.