Now was fair game. I hooked two fingers under the back of the collar and was rewarded for the slight tug with a hitch in Ren’s breath, his head falling back onto my shoulder.

My free hand moved down his body, exploring the seams and pockets of the king’s coat. The bastard never kept the oil in the same place and sometimes took great pleasure in declaring he was completely out so he’d just have to fuck me dry, forcing me to desperately rummage through his clothing to find it before he could follow through on the threat. It was always there: it was just a question of locating it in time.

I still winced at the memory of when I’d tried to call his bluff, only to discover it wasn’t a fucking bluff at all. Prick.

My fingers ceased their searching as I wondered if this was the day I could finally repay that favour in kind.

Ren inhaled sharply and had the oil pressed into my hand in the next moment, clearly thinking along the same lines. I laughed and pulled harder on his collar, making him jerk in my arms as his air was cut off. “I want to be inside you. Strip for me, husband?”


Chapter Twenty-Two

“Kings don’t take orders,” Ren rasped haughtily with what little breath he had left, and then a sharp elbow to my ribs stole my own. I doubled over, wheezing, and made sure to have eliminated my delighted grin by the time I caught my breath and straightened up. Which took a few seconds: Ren did not hold back, even in play.

“And king consorts apparently have loose grips,” I warned, holding the glass bottle of oil out over the stone floor. “If I have to take your clothes from you, darling, I’m terribly afraid I might drop whatever else I’m holding.”

Ren’s eyes flashed with something that said I’d regret this soon enough, a second clue that he was slowly coming back to himself.

Yet he obliged my demand and was naked within seconds, drawing my breath in at how fucking beautiful he was wearing nothing but his collar. His bronzed body was smooth and languid, his cock already erect and waiting, and the look he was giving me could melt steel.

“How do you see this playing out, Mathias?” he asked silkily, starting to stroke himself because he liked to fucking cheat and knew how distracted I’d be by that shit. “Do you think I’m going to just lie there and let you take me?”

That was exactly what I’d suspected he might do a few minutes ago when he’d been busy drowning in his remorse and anxiety, which is why I’d provoked him into fighting back. But even if Iwould quite happily spread my legs for him anytime he asked, it wasn’t in my nature to roll over and bare my throat. If he wanted to top me, he’d have to work for it. And he was daring the same of me.

“WellI’mcertainly not letting you anywhere near my ass tonight,” I said dismissively. “You’re filthy.”

That was a lie. His clothes might have been dirty from sitting in the dust all day, but his bare body was nothing but seductive temptation. And it was hardly a chore to get railed by my sexy Quarehian husband, but of course the game between us meant I had to pretend it was. Because complimenting Ren was like trying to flee from a pack of ravenous wolves: it might initially seem like the wisest course of action, but any safety offered was at best fleeting and at worst entirely illusory. You’d be caught by the predator sooner rather than later and torn apart with more gratification than seemed strictly necessary…at least in the case of the wolves, they had hunger as their excuse. Ren just liked the destruction.

No. It was better to stand your ground: that way you at least saw the danger coming.

“I am,” the king agreed in a low voice, clearly talking about a different kind of filth entirely. “As are you, little wildcat.” He stalked towards me on bare feet, the dim light of the lantern casting enticing shadows as his hand moved up and down his cock. “Are you leaking for me already, consort? Desperate to feel me inside you, filling you up, turning that proud scorn of yours into helpless little whimpers as you sob and beg me for more?”

Therewas my husband.

I scoffed, mostly to rile him but also to avoid collapsing into the wanton, boneless mess he was accusing me of. Becauseholy fuckdid he have me pegged accurately, but my submission wasneither what he wanted nor needed right now. Ren thrived on being pushed and tested, and I planned to bring his wildest, most genuine self back to the surface so we could talk without overwhelming him.

He pounced on me but I managed to sidestep, pivoting on my heel to avoid his lunge and throwing my arms around him instead. His momentum sent us both to the floor in a graceless heap. I had one of his hands pinned but his hips were already twisting free, and as I’d long since learned that Ren didn’t play fair, I had no compunction in grabbing a fistful of his long hair to wrench his head back against my chest. And then a hard kick to my shin – far too fuckinghard– had me howling in pain and him crowing his victory.

I shoved him away and tried to push to my feet, my boot slipping on one of the open books and sending me back to my knees. Flinching at the attack I knew would be coming, I raised an arm in a vain attempt to protect myself, only to hear Ren yelp and find him reaching for the book rather than me.

“Don’t ruin the page!” he wailed, hugging it to his chest and glaring at me. I followed him cautiously as he backed up towards one of the floor-to-ceiling bookcases that ran around the walls, suspecting a trap, but he did nothing except lay the book down carefully and then turn to lean against the adjacent bookcase, hip cocked and eyes dark with desire.

“Come here, you,” Ren ordered in that low, husky voice of his that made my cock thicken in response.

I obediently moved towards him, feeling like a ship that was about to be dashed to pieces on the rocks but unable to stop the inevitable destruction. My body, traitor that it was, responded to his dominance like itwantedto listen to him, and I drew close enough to hear his ragged breathing that mirrored my own.

Ren raised his arms above his head, fingers clutching the edge of a higher shelf to take his weight as he lifted his legs and wrapped them around my hips. His heels dug into my ass to pull me closer with a silent but insistent command and I slammed my mouth against his, desperate for the taste of him.

As we kissed, our tongues exploring each other with sweet urgency, Ren tugged at my clothes. He didn’t bother to properly undress me – and couldn’t, from his position – and I ended up with my coat and shirt gaping over my bare chest, my belt unclasped, and the laces on my trousers undone just enough to free my cock.

With his weight borne between me and the bookcase with its hard shelving digging into his back, it couldn’t have been a comfortable position for him, but Ren showed no sign of wanting to be let down. He licked a long, sloppy stripe up his palm and reached beneath him for my cock, making me groan.

The bastard rubbed himself against me with deliberate intent, and feeling his hard length pressed into my stomach and his slow strokes on my own cock stole away the last of my restraint. I had the vial unstoppered and my fingers drenched in oil before I knew what I was doing, only retaining enough of my sanity to look to him for permission before I breached him.

Ren’s lips curled up into a pleased smile, and a warm flood of pride rushed down my spine and settled itself at the base of my cock.

Me asking before touching him there wasn’t really a rule – we didn’t have rules between us. At least I didn’t think so. Ren would surely claim the opposite, but considering he wouldn’t be able to tell you what those so-called rules were on any given day because he changed his damn mind so often, no one should be listening to him about any such thing.