A dark laugh escaped him. “It’s funny that you think that’s up to you.”
“You’d deserve it for all that shit you pulled today.”
“And do you deserve losing half a pint of blood in return?” Ren asked sweetly, shifting slightly, and something cold against my inner thigh made me pull back and glance downwards.
“Yes, darling,” he purred, dragging the knife up my leg. “That’s exactly what’s going to happen to you. Now be a good boy and prepare yourself.”
I squinted suspiciously at the familiar knife, finding it hard to concentrate through the fluffy pleasure of my recent orgasm. “Is that mine? When did you-”
“Less talk,” warned Ren, scraping the edge of the blade along my hip and making me shiver, “and more fucking yourself with those pretty fingers of yours.”
He gave me a little shove to get me moving, before sliding down to the floor and landing lightly on the balls of his feet.
“There’s no oil left,” I slurred stupidly, as if that would stop him.
I heard him chuckle. “Oh, youarefar gone. This is going to be fun.”
My hand was grabbed and forced between his legs. The feeling of me leaking out of him cleared some of the haze in my brain, replacing it withoh fuck, that’s hotandlook what I just did to him,and I barely had the presence of mind to properly slick up my fingers before he was pushing my arm back and yanking down my trousers so they pooled around my ankles.
Leaning my other arm against the bookcase and resting my forehead on it so I was less likely to fall over, I carefully worked one finger inside, and winced. I’d come too recently to properly enjoy it.
A sharp smack against my ass said my husband wasn’t pleased with my efforts. A second slap told me he was as much of a prick as ever, because that one caught the edge of my hand and jolted my finger deeper, making me yelp.
And evidently Ren had decided that Istillwasn’t moving quickly enough, for he settled himself up against my back and joinedme with one of his own. His thumb pressed against my walls to stretch me out, urgent one moment and merely toying with me the next.
I moaned, squirming against him as he stroked along overly sensitive nerve endings with a patient, unceasing insistence that made me feel like I was burning up from the inside. I bit down on a scream.
“You can come for me a second time, can’t you, consort?” Ren murmured into my hair. I shook my head frantically.
“Shush,” he said, kissing the back of my neck. “Of course you can.”
I summoned just enough strength to swat his hand away, finding myself tossed to the floor a moment later. Blinking back my disorientation, I shook my head again to try to clear it, then clawed at the dusty tiles and began to pathetically drag myself away as if I had any chance of escaping him.
“You don’t need to do anything,” Ren told me, keeping pace with my crawl and nudging tauntingly at my leg with his foot. “Just lie there and take it.”
A half-laugh bubbled up in my throat as he repeated his words from earlier. He was always five steps ahead in his torturous attentions of me, and I loved it.
He allowed me to cross half of the floor before kicking me onto my back with a blow that would bruise. Ren dropped down to his knees beside me.
I raised a hand to push him away, and then froze. The knife now rested where my leg met my hip, in the crook of my groin where he liked to rub his stubbled chin when in a gentler mood. Now, the sadist dominant was out in full force, his eyes dark, and hisexpression viciously pleased as he held the sharp blade to my skin.
He cocked his head, dark tendrils of hair falling down over one shoulder as he regarded me.
I swallowed, trying not to shiver or even fuckingbreathe.The slightest of moments would see me cutting myself open, and even if his hand was steady, I sure wasn’t.
“Ren, please,” I begged, my muscles quivering with the effort of staying still while propped up on one elbow.
He’d cut me before.
Not every time he drew a blade on me, and that was the point of it, I think.
Because I hadn’t believed he would, growing braver and more reckless with my taunting, and one time when I’d dared him to go ahead, he’d just smiled and sliced across my pectoral. Myowwhadn’t come until after we’d both watched crimson beads of blood well from the shallow wound; him transfixed, and me in disbelief.
But that had been with a clean knife he’d bathed in flame beforehand. This was…not, and with the filth of the room now smeared over both of our bodies, it would be dangerous as fuck for him to cut me here, and we both knew it.