Page 4 of My Hope Charm

Chapter Two


I’m in Thea’s bakery my favorite place the new bookstore is my second favorite place. I look over at Thea and she doesn’t look happy at all she looks worried.

“Thea what’s wrong?” I ask.

“You need to go to the casino your father did something and Jasper has to talk to you about it.” I sigh heavily. Why can’t he just stay out of trouble for once in his life.

“Alright, I’ll see you later.”

“See you soon.” She says with a shy smile. I feel like she knows more than she telling me, but she probably doesn’t want to get in the middle of it and I don’t blame her. I took a cab to the casino since my car is in no working condition. When I got to the casino I really don’t want to deal with whatever my father has done now. I’m not going to be rude to Jasper he’s a decent guy and he’s Thea’s family and she’s my friend and I don’t want any problems. I took a deep breath before knocking on the office door.

“Come in.” I open the door and Jasper was sitting in his chair and he doesn’t look happy at all.

“What did my father do this time?” I ask irritated.

“Your going to want to sit down for this.” I look at him with a questioning look. I sat in the chair across from him.

“What did he do?”

“Your father’s debt was getting bigger over the last couple of weeks and he didn’t have the money so he sold you to me and said you will work off the rest of the money he owes.” My mouth drop open in shock.

“You can’t be fucking serious.”

“I’m sorry Levy, but that’s what happened and you will be working off the rest of the money working here.”

“What the fuck does that mean am I your prisoner now?”

“If that’s how you want to think of it then sure you can go with that.”

“Jasper be serious am I your prisoner?” I ask with frustration.

“No not really, but I do have rules you need to follow and you are moving into the Jerome household.” I sigh heavily.

“FIne it’s not like I have a choice anyway. What are the rules?” I can’t believe this shit is happening to me like who the hell sells off their child to save their own ass. I’m so mad I could just punch something this is just ridiculous. I swear if I ever see my father, I will punch him in his selfish fucking face.