Page 5 of My Hope Charm


1. You are not aloud to leave without permission.

2. Do whatever I tell you to do without back talking me.

3. Don’t ever steal from the family.

4. Be loyal.

“Rule four is the most important rule obey the rules and you will be just fine. Is there anything you need picked up for your place let me know now so we can go pick it up.”

“Yes I have things I need from my house and tell my landlord I’m moving out.”

“Right let's go than.” He gets up and walks over and opens the door. I walk out of the room and he locks the door. I send my landlord a message.

Me- Just wanted to let you know I’m moving out today.

Dan- Why is that? Is there a problem?

Me- No I’m moving in with family to help them out.

Dan- I understand leave the key inside the house for me.

Me- Will do thank for everything.

Dan- You’re welcome

“How did you get here?” Jasper asks.

“I took a cab my car is no longer working.” He opens the car door for me and I slide in the passenger seat. When we got to my house I start packing my clothes and anything I need. I grab all my books that I bought recently and put them in their own bag making sure they won't get damaged. Jasper grabs my bags that I’ve already packed and places them in his car. I place the key on the counter. I take one look back before leaving the house I have been living in for a few years now. I got back in the car and sigh heavily. I feel Jasper eyes on me and it sends a shiver down my spin. Jasper is very fucking sexy, but this is not how I wanted to get closer to him not at all. When we got to the house. I grab one of my bags and Jasper shock his head.

"I’ve got it, go inside." I let go of the bag and walk inside the house, this place his huge.

"Levy." Lily runs up to me and wraps her small arms around my leg.

"Hi sweet cheeks." I glance back and I saw a small smile on Jasper face, I just don't know why it's there. Thea walks over with a small smile so I'm guessing she knows what happened. I picked up Lily and tickled her I love her giggle, it's the sweetest sound. I always wanted a child of my own but I haven't had any luck in that department or finding a good man.

"Are you staying with us?" Lily asks in the cute baby voice she getting a little better at talking.

"Yes I am." Lily jumps in my arms with excitement. I couldn't help but to smile. It's not a great situation, but being here with Thea and her daughter will make this less horrible. Jordan walks in and runs into Jasper’s arms. Jasper’s been taking care of Jordan for about a year I don't know the story behind it but from what I have seen he's a great dad to Jordan.

"Hi Levy."

"Hi Jordan, how was school?"

"It's was okay, I was nervous at first."

"That's understandable when I was in school I was always nervous on my first week of school."

"Really? Does it go away?" He asks nervously.

"Yeah it does with time specially when you make friends and you will make some good friends." Jordan smiles and gives me a hug and I hug him back.

"You should move in with us it would be nice to have another girl in the house I can talk to when I need to."

"Than I guess it's a good thing I am moving in."

"Really?" He says with excitement.