Page 3 of My Hope Charm

“Come on you can’t be late to your first day.” He gets up and gets dress. I take him down stairs and pour him a bowl of cereal. I grab his backpack and open the door.

“Jordan it’s time to go.”

“I’m coming.” When we got to the school he looks wide awake and full of energy.

“Andrew is going to pick you up after school. Have a good day and be good.” Jordan hugs me and I hug him back.

“Love you, Dad.”

“I love you, too.” I watch him walk inside the school with a teacher. I got back in the car and drove to the casino to deal with Will.

Walking towards my office Will was waiting nervously at my door. I open the door, he walks in behind me and I sat at my chair with my arms cross.

"Will, what the fuck is going on with you? You been doing good on paying me back until the last few weeks your debt keeps on getting bigger every week."

"I know and I'm sorry about that." I rolled my eyes.

"I want my money and I want it now Will."

"I don't have it, but you can have my daughter and she can work off the rest." I raised my eyebrow. He can't be serious right now.

"You are selling me your daughter?"

"Yes and you can have her work off the rest that I owe." What the fuck is up with parents selling off their kids.

"Stay right here and don't fucking touch anything." I walk out of my office and called Spencer.

"Hey Jasper, how is that meeting going with Will?"

"He just sold me his daughter and said that she can work off the rest. What should I do?"

"I think you should keep her little brother you do like her and you won't have to worry about Will anymore. This can turn out to be just what you need." I sighed.

"Spencer Levy and I are not you and Thea that was different she already loved you this is different, why would she love someone who she is sold to?"

"Andrew fell in love with Sonny. You deserve to be happy you need to let people in Jasper and Levy is the perfect person."

"Thea is going to be so pissed, the girls are friends and now she is mine."

"Thea will understand it could be worse as we all know from experience. Jasper this could be good for you, don't fuck this up for yourself."

"I hear you, Spencer." I hang up the phone and walk back in my office.

"I'll take her, but I don't want to see you in my casino ever again. Do you understand?"

"Yes I do." He walks out of the office and I let everyone know that he's no longer welcome here. My phone buzzes and Thea’s name popped up. This is not going to be good at all.

Thea- Please tell me Levy’s father did not sell her to you.

Jasper- Sorry but he did. Thea it could be a lot worse. Don't be mad at me.

Thea- I'm not mad at you just the fucking situation. She's at the bakery what should I tell her.

Jasper- Just tell her to come to the casino and to my office that her father did something and I'll tell her the rest.

Thea- Okay just she's not going to be happy about this at all.

Jasper- I would be worried if she wasn't.

I put my phone down and sigh this is going to be a rough couple of days. I don't know what to do to be honest I might be a little over my head on this one.