Page 85 of Faux Beau

He was an idiot. He’d been fighting in his head about what was happening in his heart and what was happening he could no longer deny because no matter how far he ran, it wouldn’t change the facts. He loved her. Hard stop.

Jax stood. “Holy shit.” He turned around aimlessly. “You’re right!”

“That you’re an idiot or that you love her?” Brynn asked. “I just need to get the details right, before I tell Mom.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

Take Life by the Balls

Hold on to love like it is

a box of doughnuts.

Milly meant what she’d said—she was going to find her happy. But that would have to wait until tomorrow.

Today was the first annual Zoe Smartt’s Classy Crap This Way garage sale to raise money for breast cancer research. Milly had decided the best thing to do with Zoe’s things was to pass them on to others who would love and cherish them.

The response from the community had been overwhelming. Donations came in from all around town, people showed up to work the event, and the Carmichaels even offered their ballroom.

“How much is this, honey?” Ms. Tilden, Milly’s neighbor, asked, holding up Zoe’s autographed poster of Justin Bieber, wearing nothing but his Calvin Kleins. “I always had a thing for blonds.”

“It’s a pay what you feel kind of event. So whatever you think that’s worth, it’s yours.” Milly had decided to leave it up to the customers how much they felt comfortable paying. She’d discovered people pay more when it’s for a good cause. And putting a price on Zoe’s things was impossible since she would have marked everything priceless.

“Will forty do?” Ms. Tilden asked.

“That’s very generous. And my sister would love it to know that Justin is going home to a fellow fan.”

Ms. Tilden pulled out her reading glasses and slid them up her nose. “Here, I thought this was Leif Garrett,” she said, but handed over two bills.

“I was going to buy that for Ranger Tight-ass and superglue it to the hood of his car,” Kat said. “I guess you saved me going to jail for vandalizing an officer’s vehicle.” Kat slung an arm over Milly’s shoulder. “How are you holding up?”

“My heart feels like roadkill, and I haven’t slept in over a week,” Milly said honestly. She was done with lies. “But I’m wearing a pair of Zoe’s bitchin’ boots.”

“The offer still stands. I have the perfect place to hide his body. Plus, murder goes well with those boots.”

A little bubble of laughter escaped. It might have been a small sob. “My boots and I would like to remain murder-free.”

Plus, she could never hurt Jax. Even though he’d crushed her, she still loved him. She was afraid she always would.

“There you are,” her mom said, rushing over to Milly. “Here, let’s give your hair a little brush.” Gennie finger-combed Milly’s hair. “And slightly tousled.”

Milly batted her mom’s hands away. “What are you doing?”

“Oh, I wish I’d brought my new lip gloss, Sexcapade. It’s a shade between red and mauve. Very modern and sultry. Kind of like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.” Gennie turned to Kat. “Dear, do you happen to have any lip gloss or mascara?”

Kat pulled the neckline of her shirt out and dug around in her bra. She came up with a phone, car keys, a business card with someone’s number scribbled on the back, and sixty-three dollars and seventeen cents. “Sorry, no lip gloss. But I can—”

Kat grabbed Milly by the cheeks and pressed her lips to Milly’s—hard—then smudged them around. She pulled back and smiled. “There, you are now wearing Stiletto Red. You’re welcome.”

“About your shirt, Milly. Does the neckline go any lower?” Gennie asked, then started tugging at the hem of Milly’s sweater. “It will have to do.”

“Mom, what’s going on?”

Milly realized that the entire ballroom had gone so still she could hear her own heartbeat. With an encouraging smile, her mom stepped aside, and Milly’s breath caught in her throat. Because there standing ten feet away, wearing snow-covered boots and a winter sweater was Jax.

Their eyes met and her body immediately started to melt—stupid body.

We’re mad at him, remember? He broke our heart, remember? He let us walk away, remember?