Page 86 of Faux Beau

But no matter how many times she reminded herself of these facts, she couldn’t help how her heart yearned for things to be different. Yearned for a different outcome where they went in search of their happy together.

With an unreadable expression, Jax started forward in a direction that looked like he was on a direct course with her. The crowd parted for him, people’s phones coming out to video the entire thing. Milly’s palms began to sweat.

“Go on, sweetie,” her mom fake whispered.

“We don’t even know why he’s here,” Milly whispered back.

“All you have to do is look at his eyes and you’ll know everything you need to.”

But Milly couldn’t move. It was as if her feet were crazy-glued to the ground. But her heart was keeping double time, going faster and faster with every step Jax made. Then he was there, standing in front of her, and a nervous smile touched his lips.

“You’re back,” she whispered.

“I’m home,” he corrected, and that one word sparked a small glimmer of hope in her stomach.

“For how long?”

“As long as it takes.”

“Can you speak up,” Peggy called out from the back of the room. “I’ve got the TikTok going and my followers can’t hear you. And if you can turn a little to the right, the light will really catch your hair, sweetie. You want your hair to look glossy in the video compilation at the wedding.”

Milly looked around to see that the entire room was watching them as if this were some rom-com where the boy asks the girl to be his forever. Only, she’d offered him forever and he’d passed. But he was here and that had to mean something. Right?

“Ignore them,” he said, cupping her hip and tugging her closer. “For once, this is about us.”

“Us?” she repeated. “There is no us, remember?”


She shook her head. “You wanted a clean cut, now you need to stay away.”

“I can’t,” he told her. The crowd moved in closer, making a circle around them.

“You can’t have it both ways, Jax. I get it, you’re scared but so was I. Only, I was willing to take the leap and you decided to let me fall alone.”

His hand slid up her arm to cup her jaw. “That’s not true. I fell with you. I fell so hard I got scared.”

“What are you saying?”

“It was never fake for me. From that first kiss I think I knew.”

She tilted her head because she couldn’t be sure she’d heard him right. “Then why did you let me think otherwise?”

“Testosterone syndrome,” Gennie said, and murmurs of agreement went up around room.

Jax ignored everyone. “Lucas said it’s because I’m an idiot.”

“You and Lucas made up?”

“Yes. And now I’m attempting to make up with you.”

She shook her head. “But you’re leaving.”

“But what if I want to come home.”

“Do you?”

“Of course I do. I love you, Milly,” he said and at those three words a smile went full bloom on her face and she couldn’t hide the tears welling in her eyes. “I’m sorry that it took me so long to realize it, and I’m sorry that I hurt you. You were right, I ran away before you could remember I was the wrong twin, but I’m done running. There I was standing at the top of the mountain looking down and I realized that if I didn’t take a chance, there’d never be anyone waiting for me at the bottom.” He ran the pad of his thumb down her cheeks. “Don’t cry.”