Page 34 of Sight Unseen

“It’s fine, bunny. It’s just a little strange when you're in front of us one second and the next you're not. It’s going to take some getting used to, that’s all,” Atlas replied from my left.

Giving Atlas the best smile I could summon, I nodded my head and returned to my search.

I saw the silver rope off to my right, opting to leave it alone. I looked around for any other connection. There had to be something. I wouldn’t leave this clearing till I found Isarr. When it felt like hours later, and I was ready to give up, I spotted a bright blue rope. It looked like the ice-blue color of my wolf's eyes. Reaching out, I mentally tugged on the rope. It felt like I was playing tug-of-war with a brick wall.

Growling, I put all my strength into pulling the rope towards me. Nothing was working, and then I felt it. It was like a rubber band snapped, and a tidal wave rushed over me.

Magic flooded my veins, making my body feel like it was on fire. Then, a feeling of calm washed over me, and I instantly felt the connection with my familiar return.

Well done, Diana, you are stronger than I gave you credit for. I thought it would take you at least a day to break down my mental block, but you did it in mere hours.

Why did you have a block up in the first place, asshole?

Do you know how scared I was?

I thought I lost you.

The cry I was holding in left my body as relief washed over me.

Never girl, I told you already I would protect you with my life. This was a training you had to complete, so you needed to believe I was gone.

Popping my eyes open, I was met with ice-blue eyes. Isarr was sitting in front of me, occupying the space Eros was moments ago, staring straight at me. I leaned into him, wrapping my arms around his huge neck and burying my face in his soft fur.

“Don’t ever do that again, jerk.” I choked out.

I didn't even care my tears were dampening his fur; he deserved it for doing that to me.

Never Diana. Now you know how to always find me. Follow the tether that leads your soul to mine.

I sat with Isarr, not wanting to release my hold on him, not caring about anything until the sun started to set. Turning the sky a brilliant purple.

Chapter 28


The classes I had to take at Enyo were interesting, and the last few weeks flew by. I was learning so much about my heritage, demons, fighting, magic, and familiars.

Demons 101 was by far my favorite. Sitting here and learning about all the different demons and where they come from was exciting.

The teacher was currently telling us about the different smells and how you can tell lesser demons apart from greater demons. Lesser demons smell like sulfur and are commonly in the shapes of animals.

Nothing like the greater demons that smell of brimstone and take the form of humans. They are extremely rare and don’t visit Earth’s realm too often unless they're looking for something.

“The last greater demon was spotted eight months ago in Las Vegas. This is the last record we have, although we know they are still visiting Earth. It is hard to tell them apart from a human unless they are bleeding. When a greater demon bleeds, it smells of brimstone, unlike the coppery smell of human blood. Over time, the demons learned to mask their smell, but their blood they cannot hide,” the teacher said as different pictures of greater demons flashed on the screen behind him.

“What should we do if we come in contact with one?” A small girl with bright blonde hair asked.

“Kill them,” Phoenix whispered to my left.

Atlas was on my right; I loved this class even more because I shared it with two of my men. Apollo wasn’t in any classes with me, and Eros was in familiar studies.

The only class I liked more was weaponology; all three of my men attended that class with me, along with Onasis.

“Excellent question, Kat!” He gave her a nod, then turned to the rest of the class, “If you encounter a greater demon out in the field, you should immediately call for backup, do not engage if you do not have to, and wait for help. Only one group here has killed greater demons, and that is Apollo's team.” He gestured towards Atlas and Phoenix.

They sat straighter beside me and gave the teacher an appreciative nod.

“Unless you have a qualified team of at least five, we will ask you to wait for backup or seek shelter if none is available. We will not risk your lives by sending you to your death because that will be your fate if you attack a greater demon alone.”