The screen behind him flashed to pictures of a slaughter, or what looked like one. One man, covered from head to toe in blood, stood on a pile of bodies. Black wings were spread out from his back; the only thing that cued you in that he was not human.
He was breathtaking, tan, with broad shoulders, black hair, and eyes like onyx.
“This is the prince of darkness himself, more commonly known as Lucifer. He is responsible for the creation of all demons. This picture was taken fifty-six years ago, where he single-handedly slaughtered twenty-seven gifted and three humans that got caught in the crossfire. This was the last known sighting of Lucifer on Earth. There have been rumors he was sighted in Las Vegas with greater demons. That is his main domain and where his house on Earth is located. We have teams stationed there to keep an eye on his condo and report any activity to us.”
A gigantic skyrise flashed next. The top was circled in red, pointing out the location of Lucifer's home.
“The asshole owns all of Las Vegas; he even nicknamed it Sin City. He lives on the top floor of the skyrise, but he owns that whole building.” Atlas whispered in my ear.
Phoenix poked his head around to join our quiet conversation.
“If he’s living in hell, I don’t know why he needs all that money. It’s ridiculous that one man owns a whole city.” Phoenix said.
“Who knows, dude, he can stay in hell for all I care. If I never have to see him in my lifetime, I won't complain.” Atlas replied.
I couldn’t remove my eyes from the pictures flashing in the front of the room. Different pictures of Lucifer played like a slideshow. Showing him in everything from a tuxedo to swim shorts. Different people surround him in every picture. The only thing that stayed the same was his onyx eyes; in every shot, they stared straight at the photographer like he knew they were there. Even ones that were fuzzy that looked like they were taken miles away, he was staring straight into the lens.
A shiver raced down my spine like he was somehow looking straight at me.
Goosebumps covered my arms, and I wrapped them around myself.
“That’s all the time we have for today. Tomorrow, we will cover more on lesser demons and each one’s weaknesses. Class dismissed,” he said as he started shoving papers into his bag and headed towards the door.
“Well, that was intense. What’s next?” I asked, turning to Atlas.
“Apollo wants to see us; he said he has a mission,” Phoenix replied.
My mood perked up at that. An actual mission, I can’t wait; I’m so ready to go out and put what I learned into action.
“Sweet, what are we waiting for then? Let’s go!” I said, jumping to my feet.
I swung my bag over my shoulder and raced for the door. A hand grabbed my arm before I could make it into the hallway.
“Do you even know where he is, m’eudail?” Phoenix laughed.
“Ummm no… I was hoping one of you would lead the way,” I said in my most innocent voice.
“Let’s go.” Phoenix laced his fingers between mine and gently tugged for me to follow.
I was surprised when we came to a stop in front of Apollo's door to his bedroom. Atlas reached up and tapped three times on the door with the back of his knuckle. I could make out muffled voices behind the door before it flung open, and a disheveled-looking Apollo stood before me.
“Phoenix! This is not a mission for Diana! I remember strictly telling you to gather Atlas and join me to discuss the details. Nowhere in that order did I mention bringing Diana!” Apollo's anger was radiating off him in waves.
“I’m sorry, I misunderstood,” Phoenix said with his eyes trained on the floor.
“It’s okay, I can go,” I said, starting to back away from the pissed-off man.
Atlas pulled me in next to him before I could escape to my room.
“This is ridiculous, Apollo! She’s ready; let us bring her along. I'll protect her.”
Apollo glared daggers at him; if looks could kill I’m sure Atlas would drop dead where he stood.
“This is not up for discussion! Orpheus’s pup is missing, and I need you to focus on finding her, not protecting the woman you're sleeping with!” Apollo said before he stomped into the room.
As soon as he was out of the doorway, I saw all the wolves standing in his room, minus the little black one that looked like Orpheus. Isarr caught my sight and bowed his head.
We will be fine, Diana. Go to sleep, and in the morning, all will be as it should be. We will find our pup I assure you.