Page 33 of Sight Unseen

The flowers were just as beautiful. Sending a lovely floral scent into the air and spotting the field with purples and yellows. I could spend all day out here lying in the lush grass. Soaking up the sun's rays. You can hear the birds chirping in the distance. The wind was cool, blowing through the field. It looked like waves through the vast area.

When the rocks came into view, there wasn’t a wolf in sight. I reached out to Isarr through our mental connection to see where they were.

After a few minutes of nothing I turned to Eros, “Where are they?”

“Let me see if I can find them.” Was all he said before his eyes turned white, and he went stone still.

What the fuck?

“Eros,” I waved my hand in front of his face, snapping my fingers a few times.

“He’s using his sight, m’eudail.” Phoenix informed me.

My mouth hung open as I turned to look at him. “His gift? What is actually going on, though? He looks frozen. That has to be a vulnerable gift. He can’t protect himself when he’s like that.”

“He only uses it when he’s behind the wards or heavily guarded. We wouldn’t let anything happen to him.” Atlas told me.

Turning back toward Eros I just stared, gawking at him till he blinked, coming back to us.

“I couldn’t see them, they are not in the area. Astra said she cannot locate them either,” Eros said.

I could feel all the blood drain from my face. Where could they have gone? Isarr said he would always be here to protect me. How could he go away and not tell me?

“I can’t feel him. It’s like there’s a block in my mind, and he’s just gone. He’s never gone; he’s always there like a nuisance, even when I don't want him to be.” I said, shaking my head as tears filled my eyes.

That jerk promised me he would never leave! I got so used to having him around I didn't imagine the pain I would feel when he was gone. It was like I couldn’t breathe; something was compressing my lungs and squeezing my heart. The pain was unbearable, and the floodgates opened; the tears trapped spilled over.

I looked around frantically to find my wolf, trying to break down the wall keeping me from him. This can’t be happening.

Atlas grabbed my shoulders, shaking me, and I realized he had been calling my name.

None of that mattered; the only thing that did was finding my familiar.

“We will find him, bunny! I promise, but you cannot break. You need to focus. He is probably with the pack hunting.” Atlas yelled at me.

Looking into his eyes, I saw the truth behind his words.

“Okay” I spoke so softly.

Running the back of my hands across my cheeks, I wiped away all of my tears. A newfound determination set in. I will find him; he can’t be dead, I would feel it. I know I would feel it if he was dead. There’s just something blocking me. I turned to Eros who had Astra perched on his arm. I swear she got more beautiful every time I saw her.

“How do I break down a mental block to contact my familiar? It’s like there’s a wall or something separating us.” I asked, hoping he would have the answer.

Eros turned to look at Astra, listening to what she was saying before looking back my way.

“Astra said our connection comes from the same power as your gift. You said your gift was like a silver rope; reach into your mind and find the thread connecting you and Isarr. That is the first step at getting through the block.” Eros told me.

Sitting down, I crossed my legs under me and placed my palms on my thighs. The guys followed suit, sitting cross-legged around me, with Eros directly in front.

I closed my eyes, looking for the thread of magic. It was much easier to find this time, lighting up like a thousand stars against the night sky. I lightly tugged on the rope, and energy rushed through my body, making all the hair on my arm stand up and shivers race down my spine.

Phoenix cleared his throat, and I looked over at him on my right. His eyes were wide, scanning the area I sat down in.

“Sweetheart, I think you tugged on the wrong rope. You pulled on your gift, not the familiar connection.” Eros said in a soothing voice.

Oops, I mentally dropped the rope, and my three guys all simultaneously took in a sharp breath.

“I’m sorry, I’m still learning how to control it,” I said, looking at the ground, not wanting to meet any of their eyes.