My pants grow tight when I take in her prim and proper skirt and top that makes her look so fucking sexy. The material of the skirt clings to her ample curves, and her cleavage is nearly spilling out of that silky top. And fuck, her lips are bright red and glossy, my weakness. She looks like something out of my darkest fantasies. But then again, she always has; things certainly didn’t fall through between us for a lack of desire.

“A-Alex. What are you doing here?” Autumn stammers, and I reluctantly move my gaze to her. She looks tense and is that fear lurking in her eyes?

“Seriously man, what’s up?” I speak up, hating that all my hard work at cheering her up seems to be going down the drain with just one accusatory look from him. For whatever reason, I seem to like the girl, and I feel a little protective over her like I do with Andrea.

The asshole doesn’t even spare me a glance. His full attention is on Autumn as he says, “We’re leaving. Now.”

“Alex, what are you doing? I’m not done eating. Alex. Alexander!” Her protests fall on deaf ears as he pulls her chair out from the table. When he moves to pick her up, she smacks his hand away. “Don’t touch me! I’m coming.”

I rear back in shock. Holy shit. She just hit him. Alex fucking Beaufort. He’s essentially a small town mob boss, and not someone who takes any physical assault lightly. The entire restaurant has gone silent, all fear-laced eyes now on the commotion we’re causing. My body tenses, ready to intervene in case he retaliates. Nobody, except maybe Andrea and me, gets away with shit like that. Truthfully, I’m impressed by her tenacity as she stares him down, threatening him to try to pick her up again.

He doesn’t do anything, though. Just glares at her as she stands up and walks closely behind her as they leave therestaurant. I give my meal one last longing glance; I barely got three spoonfuls, then stand up with a sigh.

I hesitate when I reach Charlie, then give her a curt nod as I follow my brother out of the restaurant. I get out just in time to see Alex bundling Autumn in his jacket and then texting someone on his phone–most likely his driver, George.

His jaw is clenched tightly, and he’s holding himself rigidly. I’ve never seen him lose his cool this quickly before. “Alexander. What the hell?” I ask, frowning at him.

The words are barely out of my mouth when he rushes me. The pain registers before I realize that he just threw a punch. What the fuck? My vision goes black as I stagger back, my hand going to my face. I’m stunned speechless. I don’t remember the last time Alex got physical with me.

Autumn lets out a scream and runs toward me, babbling apologies and asking if I’m okay, but Alex is there, dragging her away. As I watch him wrap his arms around her possessively and whisper words into her ear, I realize that he’s jealous.He’s jealous.

Despite the throbbing pain in my cheek, my lips turn up a little, realizing that Autumn is more than just a new plaything for him. He’s in deep already. Am I about to witness the indomitable Alexander Beaufort fall in love? But this discovery is not enough to let him get away with hitting me unprovoked. All I did was take her to dinner to cheer her up for fuck’s sake.

I walk swiftly toward them and plant a firm hand on his shoulder, dragging him back. Once he’s turned to face me, I return the favor he had so generously doled out a minute ago and connect my fist with his face. His head snaps to the side. There’s a menace in his gaze when he faces me again, wiggling his jaw.

Adrenaline rushes through me as I wonder if he’s going to hit me again. But Autumn jumps between us. “Enough. Enough! That’s quite enough, Alexander.”

His car pulls up and he gives me one last glare as he orders her to get into the car. I take a step forward just in case she doesn’t want to go with him, but she assures me that she’s fine.

Alex slams the door once she’s buckled in, but I stop him. “She was crying. I don’t know what happened but she was crying so I brought her to dinner. It’s not whatever it is you’re conjuring up.” His expression falters, but I turn away, not ready to face his remorse. He can apologize to me later.

Charlie’s gaze catches mine, but she looks away to wave at Alex before he climbs into his car and they drive off.

“Why are you back in my town, Charlotte?” I ask, taking a step toward her. “You didn’t heed my warning.”

Her gaze meets mine and the anger slowly drains out of me. Her eyes melt me and sooth my tormented soul; they remind me of a beach at sunset, where the ocean kisses the sand. She’s always affected me this way. My hackles rise when I realize that I’m being drawn to her again, and I scowl.

“I was invited this time. By you and your brother.” She says this as if I should know. “Don’t you think you’re getting a bit greedy? You practically banish me from your town and then want to encroach on mine?”

I frown at her, not understanding what she means at first. Square Construction. The leading Burlington construction company that Alex has been in contact with. Fuck. Why didn’t I realize this sooner?

“Don’t you remember what I said after the engagement was called off?”

“If you ever see me in your town again, you won’t be held responsible for your actions? Those words?” She raises an insolent brow, closing the distance between us, and I growl.

“Don’t fucking tempt me, Charlie.”



Lightning jags through the sky as I take a step toward her and wet drops of fat rain start to fall. A menacing rumble follows, making Charlie jump, startled. That’s right. She’s always been afraid of thunder. Back then, and even now at twenty-three years old.

She looks even better than I remember: a natural beauty through and through, with a killer personality to match. She may be the only person I know who’s ego challenges my own, and it fucking kills me. There’s nothing sexier than a confident woman; add in a sense of humor and cool-girl charm, and she’ll practically have me eating out of her hands. That’s exactly who Charlie is: effortlessly cool and a bombshell to boot. She’s the life of every party, and the CEO of her family business since her father had passed. The total package, and one that I let slip away.

“What are you going to do about it, Ezra?” she asks, lifting her chin, but I can see past her bravado. In those eyes, I see uncertainty, and need. A need that mirrors mine.

Five years ago, when Dad brought her home as my fiancée I wanted her, desperately. But I wasn’t in a good place. She wanted me too, but she was too fucking young at eighteen. A baby. I set her free, taking the blame for ending our engagement,acting like the immature man-child they all expect me to be. But I did it for her and warned her never to come back here unless she wants to get well and truly fucked. She kept her side of the bargain…until now.