“Did you drive here?” I ask. She blinks at me in surprise, not expecting that reply. But she nods anyway, pointing to a bright red Subaru. My lips tilt up at the corner. “Still seeking out thrills, I see.”

“I try,” she replies. I take a step closer, and her breathing quickens as she licks her bottom lip, then pulls it between her teeth. I watch the movement of her throat when she swallows and see her pulse quicken in the vein running down the side of her neck. A single raindrop trails down her cleavage, taking my eyes with it.

“A hailstorm is coming in, and fast,” I say when the rain intensifies. We’re caught at the edge of it just inside the awning of the restaurant, stray raindrops pelting the sides of our faces, but neither of us cares. “Come home with me. You can park your car in my garage, protect it from damage.”

“Okay,” she says in a husky voice on an exhale. I wonder if she came here for this. I’ve wondered about her occasionally over the past five years. Kept tabs on her. She seemed to be moving on, so I really never thought she’d come back.

Alex wants to branch into Burlington? Then it would’ve made sense for him to meet her there, not for her to come here, who chose the location? I step even closer until the tip of my shoes brush hers. I lift my hand up slowly and finger the streaks of blonde strands framing her face. “Blonde this time.” It’s never the same; she doesn’t seem to have a pattern for the color changes.

“What?” she asks breathlessly, gaze on my mouth. My balls draw up, tightening almost painfully as my cock goes fromsemi–erect to ramrod, but I don’t pay it any mind. I’m confident it will get the attention it craves soon enough.

My hand drops from her hair to the dewy soft skin of her cheek and drags down slowly. Her head lolls to the side as she presses the weight of her head into my hand, her eyes fluttering closed.

My chest heaves as my heart thunders, “Look at me,bébé. Let me see those beautiful eyes.” I murmur softly as I rub my thumb over her soft lips, smearing the red lipstick.

Her eyes snap open and she stares up at me, her eyes gone dark with lust. I slowly lean my head down. She exhales when I place my forehead against hers. We’re so close that if I breathe hard enough, our lips would touch. Kissing is a level of intimacy I avoid with the women I fuck, but kissing her is a compulsion in my blood. I’m not sure If I’ll be able to resist by the time the night is over. I tend to be a man who indulges in my vices, and she just might become my newest obsession.

I drag my lips and the tip of my tongue up her cheek, pressing my thumb down on her lip; she moans, tilting her face deeper into my hand. A waft of her perfume hits my nostrils, and I groan helplessly as the drugging scent invades my senses.

I pull back, so I don’t maul her at the door of the restaurant with all the patrons as witnesses. “Spend the night with me.”

“Yes, Ezra,” she says compliantly after a short pause, which has me holding my breath in anticipation.

“Get in your car. I’m going to get mine, follow me.” I order. Then I remove my coat to hold over her head as we run into the rain. We’re pelted with frozen droplets; the brisk air cools my ardor, but not enough to douse my lust completely. I get into my SUV and drive past her, slowing until she pulls out behind me.

Once I see the flash of her headlights, signaling she’s ready to go, I take the turn for Williston Avenue, which is the wrong way to my apartment in the Latchis Hotel. For some reason, I don’twant to take her where I fuck other women. As I turn onto the next street, I wish I’d paid more mind to the landscaping around the cabin; the disarray is embarrassing.

It usually takes twenty minutes to drive there, but the rain is getting more intense so I take my time. Ice chunks are beginning to fall, making sharp sounds on the roof of the car and crashing on the windshield. I try not to give into the worry the glass might break from how hard the cubes are falling. I don’t give a shit about myself, but I need to get Charlie and her car safely into my garage before any damage is done.

I toss a glance in my rearview mirror when the gates leading to my house swing open. She’s been hot on my tail for the entire winding road to my driveway, clearly understanding the limits of her car. We pull through the gates, and they swing shut behind us. The driveway is narrow, but it’s dark now, so thankfully I don’t have to worry about what she thinks of the foliage–at least for now. This is her house after all.

I press the button to open the garage door and wave her by to pull up next to my truck. She hesitates, but does as she’s told. I park haphazardly on the grass and run to the shelter of the garage in time to open her driver door. She swings her long legs out, planting her heels on the concrete. Her thighs are still glistening with raindrops, and I salivate at the sight.

She glances up at me through hooded eyes. I offer her a hand, pulling her to her feet abruptly enough that our chests collide, and we stare each other down. My eyes flit back and forth, still in awe with the color and depth of her unique irises. She stares back at me in that intense way of hers; like she’s reading my mind, seeing my past, and discovering my secrets with just one look.

I’ve always felt that she could see through my charming front, which unnerves me, adding to the list of reasons we could never work out. I shake my head and release her, breakingthe moment before she learns too much. We quietly walk into the house through the attached door. The lights run on motion sensors, so they come on automatically as we move through the doorways.

I pause in the living room. “You didn’t have a chance to eat at the restaurant, would you like some food?” Does she even still want to go through with this?

She inhales sharply. “Maybe later. Right now, I’m hungry for something else.”

Thank fucking God.

The last thing on my mind right now is food, and I probably only have cereal and maybe a raw steak in my fridge. I’m not sure what I’d feed her if she took me up on the offer, anyway, but I’m nothing if not a gentleman.When I want to be. And right now, all I can think about is that I owe her a fucking. I’m a man who delivers.

I tug my tie off and toss it on the back of my couch, then slide my jacket off and turn to face her, assessing her stiff posture.

“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.” If she’s changed her mind, I’ll respect that, but I want her like hell. I’ve wanted her for five years. I honestly don’t know what it feels like not to want her anymore.

She shifts on her feet, and if I didn’t know better, I’d think she was nervous. But then her head tilts down slightly, eyes narrowing in challenge.

Game. Fucking. On.



“We can just go to sleep in separate rooms, maybe watch a movie or something if you don’t want to be alone. But we don’t have to do anything if you’ve changed your mind.”