“I’m trying to quit, but it won’t quit me.” I shrug and give her a charming smile, making her chuckle. I’m glad to see the sadness lurking in her eyes already fading. “What’s wrong? Why were you crying?”

She lets out a soft sigh. “Nothing much. Just sucks sometimes.”

“What sucks?” Maybe it’s because I heard that she rolled into town during a storm in a soaked wedding dress, or maybe it’s because hearing someone else talk about their misery makes me forget mine briefly, but I suddenly want to know what’s got her acting all heartbroken.

“Life. Emotions. Parents. The question should be, what doesn’t suck?” She makes a weird face, and I laugh.

“You have a point.” I remove the cigarette from my lips and toss it into the trash next to the gate. “Wanna eat it off? I’d say drink it off, but I don’t want to corrupt you.”

“Do you drink that often?” she asks and frowns.

Not for a few days now. “I’m trying to cut back,” I say and shrug.

She hesitates for a moment, seeming to take me in with a fresh perspective, then she says, “Liquid Elixir doesn’t serve food.”

“That’s okay. I know a place.” I wink at her, and she laughs.

“I do have tonight off, and I don’t know what to do with myself without work, so I’m in.”

Not a particularly flattering response, but I don’t particularly give a fuck, either. I just want to eat with someone who seems to be having a harder time than I am. Misery truly loves company. I take her to Peter Havens, one of the best restaurants Downtown, and a personal favorite of Alex and mine.

The hostess, Rosie, greets us with a warm smile. “Welcome, sir, would you like the table you and your brother usually request?”

“You’re a darling, Rosie.” I take her hand and place a dramatic kiss on the back of it. The middle aged woman turns pink, and she titters softly before leading us to a corner table.

I hold Autumn’s chair out for her and take the seat across from her, the one facing the door. The first rule of survival is to always have your eyes on the exit and an escape routemapped. With your back to the wall, no one can attack from that direction. That leaves just three cardinal points to be wary of.

I glance at said points, taking in the other diners when a male waiter approaches us. He chats cheerfully with Autumn, while she places her order, and I tell him to bring me my usual.

He stutters, “Yes, Mr. Beaufort.” I don’t quite put the fear of God into people like Alex does, but the Beaufort name in itself is enough to make anyone uneasy. I’m seen as thesoftbrother, thehappyone. If only they knew…just as he leaves, I receive a text from Alex.

Meet me at Liquid Elixir in 2 hours. Don’t even think about being late.

Fuck. There was a meeting today I was supposed to attend, wasn’t there? Alex is trying to expand our reach into Burlington, the neighboring city; he’s been meeting with the leading construction company there about letting us into the market.

However, when I got the text from Massimo this morning, it was no question which of the two pains in my ass’ order I’d follow. The worst I’d get from Alex would be a few biting words, but Massimo? He’s a fucking psycho who might show up in town just to teach me a lesson. If he’s using his precious time to drive here, he’s likely going to pay a visit to a family member too–and not a friendly one. A limb might possibly be lost, or at the very least a broken bone or two.

Our family business may dabble in some organized crime to push our agenda, but no matter how powerful the Beaufort family gets, we’re as harmless as a pair of kittens where the mafia is considered.

“Work?” Autumn asks, adjusting the gold frame of her glasses.

“Hmm.” I reply, then nod at the glasses. “When did you get those?” Last time I saw her working at Andrea’s bar, they definitely weren't on her face, but they suit her. Unlike the soaked runaway bride who had stumbled into town last week, I’m starting to notice her personality shining through. To Alex’s disapproval, I thoroughly enjoy flirting with Autumn. We both know it’s harmless and leading nowhere, but it’s easy…and comfortable.

Just then the waiter comes back with our order. He places a steamy plate of the housemade fettuccine in front of Autumn, and grilled salmon for me. “I’ll be right back with your drinks.”

“I’ve been wearing contacts, but finally decided to go back to glasses.” She answers my question easily, but I can see it’s a sore topic, so I decide to let it go. We dig into our food silently, but I glance up when she makes a small sound.

“What is it?”

“This food! Ugh, it’s so good.” Her eyes go wide, looking even bigger under the lenses of her glasses.

I smile at her. “You know, just now, with your wide eyes and the glasses, you look like a character from an anime,” I tease. She blinks at me at first, then she throws her head back as she laughs.

“You watch anime?” she asks with a grin, adjusting her glasses again.

“What the hell is this?” A loud familiar voice growls, and I glance casually at my brother. Oh, he looksmadmad. Before I have time to wonder what the hell has crawled up his ass, my gaze falls on the woman behind him. I stiffen as my eyes meet the familiar two-toned eyes: one deep navy and the other a stunning half blue and half light brown. My ex-fiancée.

“Charlie?” My entire body comes alive like it would if I’d taken a hit of ecstasy.