Page 14 of Shock

“Goodnight, Doctor,”I nod at the nurse whose name I can’t remember and wave a polite goodbye.

It’s been a long fucking day. We ran four flights after a train derailment early this morning. I hadn’t slept well in days, so working exhausted, plus my injuries from the fight last night probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do.

But how do you say no when it’s an emergency call at two in the morning?

I’m rubbing my eyes and not any attention to shit around me when tires start to squeal, and I look up dazed.

“HEY! Watch it!” Fuck.

I just walked out into the parking lot without even looking and almost became the next trauma patient in the emergency room. I sigh and shake my head.

“Sorry,” I say over the guy, still cursing me out.

I open my car and throw my shit in the back seat and stretch out my back with a groan. I should probably catch a nap in my office, but the idea of sleeping on the hard-ass couch in there changes my mind quickly.

“Home, shower, bed, Diego,” I mutter to myself as I open the driver’s door but then freeze.

Across the lot in the visitor section is Hannah and the tall guy they were celebrating last night. All tiredness flees my body, and I march my ass over to them, full of worry.

“Hannah, is everything ok?” I interrupt their conversation rudely, but I don’t give two shits.

I need to know she’s ok, yesterday.

“Well, good morning to you, too grumpy. What’s got your scrubs in a knot?” She takes in my rumbled state and I frown.

“Train derailment. You didn’t have any loved ones on board, did you?” She shakes her head, and her smile shrinks slightly at the news of the tragedy I’ve been dealing with all morning.

“No, thank god. That’s awful. No wonder you look like a bomb went off.” She dusts some dirt off my shoulder and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, reminding me that it’s past time for a haircut.

“So why are you here?” I try to keep the desperation I feel out of my voice, but this early without coffee, I’m sure I’ve failed miserably.

“Dude, she’s fine. Relax. Our new niece was just born.” I turned to the man who finally answered my question.

“Dr. Diego Espinosa, nice to meet you. I thought Hannah’s brother was younger.” They both laugh at me, and I take the moment to calm down my anxiety.

“No, this isn’t Corbin. He’s still at school. This is Oliver Claire.” I extend my hand to the man, who shakes it firmly.

“Blaze?” I point at the patch on the front of his cut, and he smiles.

“I’m a Smokejumper. Well, I was. Just retired.” I nod with understanding now.

“So, who had a baby then?” I glance back at Hannah and stumble to my left with a wave of dizziness.

“Wooo, you ok?” Blaze grabs my shoulders to hold me up, and I try to shake off the spots in my vision.

“Just tired,” I barely get the words out before my vision goes out.

Hannah’s big, round blue eyes are the last thing I see before my world turns black.

“Wakey, wakey, hands off, snakey.” I cough at the bitter smell and lounge forward to sit up to quickly regretting it instantly when my head throbs.

“What happened?” I rub my temples and curse at the feel of gravel on my arms.

Did I wipe out on my bike?”

“Diego, do you know where you are?” My eyes find Hannah immediately, and I hate the look of concern on her face.

“On the ground at the moment.” That makes her chuckle.