I walk over to Rebel, who’s sitting with her feet propped up.
“Are you ready to drop that kid yet?” She smiles up at me.
“A week ago. She has two more days before she’s evicted.” I chuckle, but I do not like the swelling around her ankles.
“Humor me, will you?”She nods, and I take her hand, helping her to her feet.
We slowly walk over to my clinic area and I quickly take her blood pressure. I frown at her numbers.
“Are you feeling ok? Baby moving?” Alarm fills her eyes at my question.
“FRANKLIN!” She screams for her husband, who comes running into my clinic with a gun drawn.
“Put that away,” I hiss at him as I help Rebel sit up.
“What the fuck?” He’s on full alert, not dropping his weapon.
“I need you to take Damaris to the hospital. Her blood pressure is too high, and her swelling is not normal. It’s time.” I nod at him slowly as he frowns at me.
It takes him a moment, but I watch as the light bulb in his head finally turns on. He starts screaming out orders while I help Rebel out of the clinic and outside to the SUV that brought Blaze home.
“Never a dull moment around here. It’s so good to be home.” Blaze opens the door for us, and Rebel sighs.
“Are we in any danger? My husband seems to be useless at the moment.” She points behind me, and I turn in time to see him carrying a rolled-up sleeping bag while dragging poor Deacon in tow.
“Dad, are we going camping?” Deacon’s voice is so serious and confused that I can’t stop my laughter.
“What? No, why do you ask?” I grab the sleeping bag as he growls at me.
“Hey, you fucking psycho. Blaze, you drive. I’ll get her bag and the baby’s and meet you at the hospital.” Wolf glares at me and then looks at the camping equipment before cursing under his breath.
“It’s the same color as her bag.” He tries to explain his error and I grab his shoulder.
“Man up and get it together. Deep breath, Daddy. You are going to meet your daughter today.” Terror fills his eyes, and I smile evilly.
“Yeah, now you have a reason to be scared. Remember you named me godmother. No take-backs.” I shove him into the SUV and slam the door shut.
I hit the hood, letting Blaze know they’re good to leave.
“Does this mean no welcome home party?” Menace asks, and I shake my head.
“Raincheck,” I turn to look at him and his crew.
They’re holding balloons and a cake between them as we watch the SUV leave with the guest of honor.
“Your niece is about to be born.” Menace grins and pulls out his phone.
“Dad, it’s time.” I can hear Abel screaming through his phone and shake my head at his excitement.
“Did Rebel tell you her name yet?” I smile at Savannah as I remember the day they asked me to be her godmother.
“She didn’t have to. I named her.”
See you soon, Daisy.