Page 419 of S is for SEX

KELLI. The blindfold had been over my eyes for a long time. Probably more than thirty minutes. Maybe an hour. When everything was dark - really dark, you lose track of things. I wasn’t sure which direction I was pointed, where doors and windows were, or what time it was. It wasn’t much different at first, but over time, my hearing had become more sensitive - and I was hearing all kinds of things that I normally wouldn’t hear.

Erik had brought some things to my house, and we were playing around. He brought me in my room and asked me to lie on the bed. When I did, he told me that he was going to blindfold me. I have never been blindfolded before, and it was really dark. Darker than night time. So dark that you couldn’t see anything at all.

He asked me to lie still on the bed, and I did. I heard him making some noises that sounded like the metal on a belt buckle, and I thought he was going to whip me, but he didn’t. I was pleased that he didn’t, because I did think that was something I would really have to be in the mood for.

He wrapped something around each of my wrists and told me not to move, not to feel them with my hands. They felt cool on my wrist, but not like metal. Then he put something on my ankles that felt the same way. I heard the metal noise again. Kind of like a belt buckle being undone.

I decided after he got done with my ankles that he was going to tie me up in some way. When he came back into the bedroom, he pulled my arms out to the side and up toward the head of the bed. My legs were still at the bottom of the bed, but they were spread quite a bit. He did ask me if I was comfortable, which I thought was nice.

Now I was stretched out on the bed, blindfolded. My arms and legs were secured tight, and I couldn’t move an inch. I couldn’t wait to see what was next. I was trying to listen to what he was doing in the other room. I could hear keys moving around and some other noises, but I couldn’t tell what he was doing. My pussy started getting wet. I felt like it was opening up, but there was no one in here with me.

I was thinking of what could be next, and I was fantasizing of Erik and what he might do. I wanted him to come kiss me and tease me, making me want him more and more than I already did. I heard the keys again, and then the front door opened and closed. I heard the door lock, and then heard the sound of footsteps.

No. No. No. Do not leave me here like this. No. God fucking damn you Erik Ead.

I tried to wrestle myself loose from the restraints, but I could not move at all. I was stretched tight, my arms in one direction and my legs in another. I could not open my eyes or see anything at all. I wanted to cry.

Why didn’t he say anything before he left? Where did he go? Was this part of the game? Making me wonder? I was uncomfortable. Not uncomfortable with how I was tied up, I actually like how it felt, but I was uncomfortable with the fact that Erik was gone, and I was home tied up, alone. I tried to count in my head so I had some concept of time, and how long he was gone.

I counted: One, one-thousand, two, one-thousand, three, one-thousand, four, one-thousand until I got to about six hundred. At six hundred, I heard sounds coming from downstairs, probably somewhere in the street. It was the sound of people walking by and talking. I tried to listen to what they were saying. I could tell that it was a man and a woman, but I could not make out what they were saying for sure.

It was Wednesday night. There was not much going on in Old Town on a Wednesday, so there was not a lot of foot traffic below my bedroom window. Maybe it was Thursday. I couldn’t remember for sure. I tried to count the days of the week and wasn’t sure how many I had worked this week. Wednesday or Thursday, it did not really matter.

I heard the air conditioner kick on and start to blow. The air felt cool on my thighs and stomach. I wanted to cover up. I wanted Erik to come back and tell me why he left. I wanted a drink. I was thirsty. How long have I been laying here?

I was laid down onto the bed and blindfolded. Erik told me to lay still and be a good girl. I laid here for quite a while, and he came back and tied me up. Then he left. No, he went in the other room and walked around and then left. He went to the bathroom, and then he went in the other room. Yeah, that’s what happened. He tied me up, and then he went into the bathroom, used the bathroom, flushed the toilet, and then I heard the keys. After I heard the keys, I heard the door close and lock.

How long would all of that take?

I didn’t have a drink before we walked into the bedroom. The last time I had a drink, we were in the kitchen after we ate. I wonder if he had me eat the salad because he knew I would be tied here alone forever, and he didn’t want me to be full of food. No, that doesn’t really make sense. But, I had water with my salad. How long ago was that? Two hours. I needed a drink.

What if I became parched and my lips cracked because I was here with no water?

Oh. My. God. What if I had to pee? I was going to have to hold it. What if I couldn’t hold it? I would pee in my bed. Oh yuck, that’s gross. I couldn’t pee in the bed. I would hold it if I had to pee. I was so thirsty, I needed a drink.

My eyes itched. I needed to scratch my eyes. Someone needed to scratch my eyes. Scratch my eyes and give me a drink. If I had a drink, it would make me pee. I don’t want a drink. All I needed was my eyes scratched. That was it. If someone would come scratch my eyes, I would be fine. If someone could scratch my eyes, they could untie me, so it wouldn’t matter.

If someone untied me or scratched my eyes, they would see me naked. No, that’s not going to happen. No one except for Erik was seeing me naked. I didn’t need anything. I could lay here for a lot longer and need absolutely nothing. Nothing at all. There he was blindfolding me, tying my arms, and then he left. That’s when…no, wait. We had salad. And then we came into the room. And then, there was the blindfolding. And I counted to six hundred. Six hundred seconds is sixty minutes, there’s sixty minutes in an hour, so I counted for an hour.

I have been here, tied up for hours. What did I do? Did I make him mad at me? Did I deserve this?

What did I do? When did I make him mad? When?

We ate sushi on Tuesday, and on the way here, I sucked his cock in the car. He didn’t cum. We got here, and we had sex and fell asleep on the couch. On Sunday we watched movies. I didn’t do anything on Sunday that was bad.

Oh, maybe the blowjob in the car? Maybe it was that. Maybe I made him mad because I didn’t make him cum. He came when we had sex. Before we fell asleep on the couch. But maybe he wanted me to make him cum in the car. I didn’t ever want him to be mad at me. I didn’t want him to be disappointed in me, ever. I didn’t make him cum in the car when we left the sushi place.

That’s it, this was punishment. I deserved it, I was so stupid. I should have demanded we stay in the parking garage until he came. He wanted to cum, and I didn’t do it. I gave up too early. It was a test and I failed. I am so stupid. God, I am so stupid. I am so sorry, Erik. I am so, so sorry.

Wait. Six hundred seconds. That’s six hundred seconds. That’s. There’s sixty seconds in a minute, so divide. Divide. Divide six hundred by sixty. Sixty goes into six hundred. Ten.


Ten what?

Six hundred seconds.

Ten fucking minutes. You’re such an idiot. You’ve been here ten minutes. Well, no. You’ve been here ten minutes, plus everything else.