As he chuckled, he said, “We’ll throw them in the trash, I am not putting them back in the drawer.”
He handed me one towel and turned toward the sink to run water over another. “It’s warm, I let the water get hot,” he said as he handed me another.
As we both wiped ourselves off, I wondered how long we had been in the house. It had been some time. With Erik, sexually, I had no concept of time. None whatsoever. I finished wiping myself off, slid to the edge of the countertop, and jumped down. I removed my shoes and got dressed. As I was putting my shoes back on, Erik spoke.
“Turn around,” he said.
“Let me finish tying my shoes.”
“No, now. Turn around and stand up,” he said again.
I stood, one shoe tied and one not. As I was turning around, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the lips. His mouth encompassed mine, and he licked my upper lip. Our mouths parted, and he quickly kissed me again. Then, another quick peck.
“Tie your shoe,” he said, pointing at my shoe.
I stood there amazed. Amazed that I had met this man. Amazed that he was everything in a man that I wanted. Amazed that he would even want me. And amazed that I could please him.
I bent over and tied my other shoe.
“Who owns you, Baby Girl?” he asked.
“You do, sir,” I responded proudly.
“You amaze me,” he said.
“What?” I said.
I knew what he said. I think I knew what he said. I wanted to hear it again. I stood up and turned around to face him.
“I said you amaze me, Kelli. You certainly do,” he said, smiling.
Yep. That’s what he said. You amaze me, Kelli.
Fuck yes.