Page 420 of S is for SEX

Thirty minutes.

Maybe an hour.

This was so disappointing. Not Erik, but me. I was so disappointed in myself that I didn’t make him cum that day in the car. How stupid was I?

God, please make Erik come back. No, God, please let Erik forgive me for being so stupid. No, no…no. Stop. Stop. I’m not stupid. Well, I am stupid, but I don’t want to say ‘stupid’ in a prayer.

God, please let Erik forgive me for making the mistakes that I so easily make. Let me be a better person, and make good decisions for Erik, like a good girl. Let Erik see that I am not a bad girl, and that I always want to do whatever I can to make him happy, above all. Above all except you, God. In your name, Amen.

I woke up. I think I woke up. I might have been asleep. Maybe I wasn’t asleep. I was not sure what was going on. I was hearing noises. There was someone in the kitchen. Oh my God. Someone was in the kitchen.

It’s got to be Erik. He came to untie me. My punishment was over.

What if it’s not Erik?

Lay here and be quiet. Be quiet in case it’s not Erik. Be quiet, Kelli. Be quiet.

The footsteps were getting closer. Someone was in the room, I could hear them breathing. It was really dark, maybe they wouldn’t see me.

I felt a hand on my thigh, and I twitched.


“Erik, is that you?”


“Who the fuck are you?”

“Motherfucker, if Erik finds out you were here, he’s going to fucking kill you. Erik Ead, he’s a fucking bad-ass, and he’s going to cut your fucking throat, do you hear me?”

I felt a finger on my face. It was on my lips. I spat at it.

“Get your hands off of me, asshole. I am serious, he’s going to find you, and he’s going to cut you in little fucking bitty pieces.”

The hand covered my mouth. I felt pressure on the bed, and heard breathing next to my head. By my face.

“Shhhhhh,” the voice said.

“Shhhhhh,” it said again.

I felt a hand on my thigh. It moved closer to the inside of my thigh. It slowly creased against my pussy. I felt a finger touch my pussy lips.

Oh my God, I am soaked. I am so wet. Why am I wet? I shouldn’t be wet. I shouldn’t. I couldn’t see this person. It wasn’t Erik. It was Erik, Erik was playing a game. What if it was not Erik? Cross your legs, Kelli. Cross your legs.

I can’t cross my legs…they were tied to the bed posts.


The finger slid into my wet pussy. Oh God. It was so wet. I could feel the wet dripping down my crotch and in between my butt cheeks.

Oh God, this isn’t happening.

The finger slid in and out, slowly. In and out. Another finger started to tickle my clit, while the finger was sliding in and out of my pussy.

Oh God, no. This feels so good. Why does it feel so good? I have no idea who this is. Oh God.

Another finger was starting to slide in. Oh God. Oh God. It was so wet, and so tight. His fingers were huge. My stomach muscles tightened and released, then again. I pulled my hands against the restraints, but I could not move. As I pulled, my muscles tightened and contracted. I stopped fighting, and let him…