Standing naked at the stove and wearing only his Chuck’s, I wanted to take a picture of him.
“How’d I get here? To the couch?” I asked.
“You just sat there when I walked in here. You’re Fuck Drunk. Too much good sex,” he responded as if it were normal.
Light-headed, I walked to the kitchen and stood behind him.
My vision was blurred. I felt as if I had run six miles as fast as I could, and had stopped immediately and unexpectedly. Full of endorphins, emotion, and wonder, I wrapped my arms around his back and slid my hands to his stomach. I nudged my hips closer to his tight butt muscles and sighed.
I had never had so many orgasms in my life.
It was crazy, but one night of sex.
Just one.
And I was falling for Mike Ripton.
Well, at least falling for fucking him.
As he stood naked and scrambled the eggs, I hoped for a sign. Something. I wanted him to tell me I was different. That something had happened in a night filled with orgasms and sex which would separate me from the many others.
“Barbee,” he paused as he stirred the eggs.
“Yeah Ripp?” the words hung on my lips for a long second.
“You think your sister would be up for a three-way?” he asked without looking up from the stove.
Not exactly what I was hoping for.
My heart sank a little bit and I fought with what I wanted to say. My response needed to be something which might preserve a possibility of seeing Ripp in the future. I opened my mouth and closed it a few times, incapable of speaking. Finally, the words came.
“Brandee,” I screamed over my shoulder, “come in here for a minute. Mike and I have a question.”
As I heard Brandee’s feet coming down the hallway, an almost inaudible sound came from where Ripp was standing. I’ll never be one hundred percent certain, but it sounded like…
Fuck yes.