“Chuck Fuckin’,” he hollered.
I closed my eyes and began to feel faint. The steel rods banging against my clit as his massive cock filled the inside of my soaking wet pussy, sliding in and out, tapping my clit further into ownership. The speed in which he was fucking me increased as the seconds passed. As my body started to tingle, the sound of his voice brought me back to earth.
“What are we doing?” he asked again.
“Chuck Fuckin’,” I screamed.
“God damned right, we’re Chuck Fuckin’ baby,” he yelled as he continued to pound in and out of my pussy.
My nipples began to tingle and my butt felt as if it were being electrocuted. I felt my pussy swell as if it were going to explode. I bit my lip harder and grunted, never having felt quite anything comparable.
“Oh God Ripp…”
The feeling of pleasure was more than I felt I could enjoy without collapse or brain damage. I was actually scared I was going to squirt cum it felt so good. Uncertain of what was happening, my mouth and eyes opened at the same time.
“Cum, I’m going to cum,” I stammered.
“Fuck yes. Do it,” he demanded as he slapped his hand against my ass.
As his massive cock filled me, the steel piercings made me melt. Without a doubt, I never want a man without a piercing ever…
“Ahhhhhhhh Fucccckkkkkk,” my eyes opened and closed repeatedly.
My hearing went completely blank. He fucked me deaf. I opened my eyes, and saw nothing. Not even spots. Deaf and blind. As my ears began to ring, my vision repaired itself to seeing spots. A steady dull ring from my ears was a reminder of the intensity of the orgasm. I raised my hand from the countertop and stared at it.
Shaking uncontrollably.
“Gimme a minute,” I whispered as I pulled my hips toward the counter.
“We’re just getting started,” he laughed.
As his cock flopped from inside of me, I reminded him.
“Don’t fucking touch me. Jesus. I need,” I paused and looked around the room, “I need a minute.”
I looked down at my shaking legs. I turned to face Ripp, who stood smiling, his foot still fixed firm on the countertop.
Limber bastard.
“I need a minute, seriously,” I sighed as I attempted to catch my breath.
“Lickle time,” he said as he lowered his foot to the floor and scooped me from my feet.
He raised me over his head and ducked under my legs, resting my thighs on his shoulders. As his mouth smashed against my soaking wet pussy, I felt the tingle against my clit and heard him begin to hum and groan. Closing my eyes was the only thing I knew to do. I bit my lip and felt my eyes roll back into my head so far I felt they’d dislodge.
And. I. Came.
I have no real complete recollection of how long this lasted or when for certain it stopped. Although I had not had any alcohol or drugs, Ripp later told me I was Fuck Drunk. I’m sure he was right, Fuck Drunk I was. When I came back to consciousness, I heard him in the kitchen.
I looked around the room, confused.
“What happened?” I asked across the room.
“I walked in here to cook some eggs, I got hungry after you rode my cock while I was on the floor,” he said over his shoulder.