Page 311 of S is for SEX

RIPP. Sitting at the Jackalope and drinking for three hours with Dekk didn’t make me feel any better about seeing the cripple. Riding north on the highway ninety miles an hour coming home weaving through traffic didn’t seem to help me either. Acceptance is supposed to be the answer to all things, but it’s easier said than done. Sometimes masking or denying the issue is what I have found to be best. Over time I have learned to accept some things; and Liv eating the dirty chicken the day at my house was one of them.

“Well, it ain’t any different than the other four times we been here, I fuckin’ like it,” I said as I pulled my shorts down to my thighs.

“C’mon Mike, let’s just go to your house,” Liv said as she looked out the window nervously.

“I don’t want to fuck at home. If I did, we’d be there. I’m in a shitty mood, and I want to fuck right here. I like fuckin’ here, it’s hot,” I said as I started stroking my cock.

“Hot to you, but it makes me nervous,” she said as she unzipped her shorts.

“It makes you wet, admit it,” I laughed as I slumped down in the seat.

“Fucking behind Yamasa Japanese Grille doesn’t make me wet, Mike. Fucking you behind Yamasa Japanese Grille does,” she said as she raised her leg over the center console and lowered herself onto my lap.

We had never actually eaten at the restaurant. It was about four blocks from my house, maybe five minutes away at most if traffic was terrible. One day, a few months prior, I dared Liv to fuck me behind the restaurant. I had stated if she didn’t do it, I would hold out on giving her any sex when we got home. We pulled into the parking lot - mid-day - and fucked in the front seat of the car. Since, we had repeated the process three or four times, each time becoming more and more intense.

Liv was little bit different, sexually speaking. She had a few sexual hang ups. Nothing earth shattering, but different than most of the girls I had been with in the past. My exposure to her desires caused me to realize she was a little bit wild. My longing to be naked in public brought us to Yamasa’s parking lot.

Now sitting in the front seat of my car, naked from the waist down, I was ready to begin our little game. Also naked from the waist down, Liv was wearing nothing but a sleeveless top and her bra. One of her feet on either side of my hips, and her knees bent, I lowered her onto my lap in front of my cock.

“You dirty little slut,” I bellowed as I grabbed her neck in my hand.

“Get on my big cock and ride it. Take it all you whore,” I said as I squeezed her neck in my right hand.

She raised herself up and hovered over my cock. I pressed down on her shoulder with my left hand as I squeezed her neck with my right. Her sopping wet pussy slid down my cock with no effort whatsoever. As her ass came in contact with my thighs, her eyes closed and she exhaled loudly.

“You filthy little tramp. You already came all over me, didn’t you?” I asked.

She opened her eyes and nodded her head sheepishly.

“I’m sorry. I’m a dirty, filthy girl,” Liv responded.

I grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled it to the right and rearward, arching her neck to the side. I moved my mouth to the left side of her face and bit my way up her neck until my mouth was resting beside her ear.

“You sure as fuck are. Why try to hide it now? Fuck me you dirty whore. Get busy. Fuck me like I’m fucking paying you, you little slut. Get goddamned busy riding my big cock. Take it all. Every fucking inch. How’s my cold hard steel feel when it’s on the back side of your wet little pussy?” I growled into her ear.

“Oh God,” she sighed as her ass slowly rose off of my thighs.

“Oh God? You better get busy you little slut. Don’t you oh God me, you haven’t earned it,” I breathed into her ear.

Slowly, I released her neck and moved my hands under the bottom of her ass cheeks, spreading my fingers to cover part of her upper thigh. Pulling my hands apart and spreading her pussy as wide as I could, I lifted her from my thighs, suspending her pussy over the tip of my cock.

“You!” I said sternly as I dropped her down onto my cock.

I raised my hips upward, forcing all of my cock into her. As her eyes widened and her face filled with surprise, I immediately lifted her from my cock until her pussy cleared the tip. As she gasped for a breath of air, I dropped her onto it again and raised my hips.

“Better!” I nudged my mouth beside her ear and growled as I lifted her from my cock again.

“Get!” I dropped her onto my cock again as I forced my hips upward, burying myself into her as deep as possible.

“Busy!” I lifted her again, holding her ass over my thighs as I turned my head and looked into her eyes.

Her eyes opened wide as she fought for her next breath. I held her ass in my hands as she attempted to press her weight down onto my cock. As she pushed down, I pressed against her ass with my hands, keeping her from lowering herself onto my cock. Her facial expression changed from one of satisfaction to one of wonder.

“You want my cock, you little slut?” I snarled.

“Oh God, Mike. Please. I need it,” she begged.

I looked out the window of the car into the empty parking lot. A hundred yards away, people were driving past the street in front of the restaurant. The lot we were in, to the rear of the restaurant, was empty. I turned to face her and gave her my best angry face.