Page 14 of Sidelined

Chapter Seven


"Front row seats, hmmm?" Grace remarked. "And no donuts." She peered around me to check. "Should I be worried? Is he trying to change you?"

I settled into my seat and batted her on the arm. "Would you stop it? There's nothing going on between him and me. I just—want to fit into my prom dress."

"You already do," she pointed out.

"I want tokeepfitting into it," I said firmly. "If I keep eating donuts, I’ll have to let it out, and I can't afford that." Conrad was definitelynotchanging me, but it didn't hurt to eat healthy food once in a while.

"Should I have bought carrot sticks?" She quirked an eyebrow at me.

I shrugged. "There's nothing wrong with carrot sticks."

"Especially if you're a rabbit," she said. A sly smile crept onto her face. "Or just want something to suck."

I looked over at her and rolled my eyes. "You're as bad as he is. Both of you have minds in the gutter twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week."

"Oh really? Do tell." She gestured at me to spill. "I didn't realise you two had gotten so close."

I crossed my legs and tucked my hands under my arms. "We haven't. You only have to meet him to know he's a typical guy. You know what they’re like, they see sex everywhere. Even in places it couldn't be."

"Where is that, exactly?" Grace asked. "Because I know the kind of guy you're talking about, and I'm pretty sure sex iseverywhereas far as they're concerned." She made a face.

"Yeah, my bad," I agreed.

The team appeared from the locker rooms and started a slow trot around the field. The crowd started to cheer. The guys grinned and waved. All except for Conrad. His whole body oozed tension and focus.

If I knew him even slightly as well as I thought I might, one hundred percent of his mind was on the coming game. The crowd could cheer and yell all it liked, he wouldn't hear it.

What was the expression? Oh, he was in the zone.

I wondered what he'd think if I told him I probably had the same expression on my face when I write. Or the times when the words flowed, there was nothing but me and my keyboard.

He'd probably think that was the stupidest thing he ever heard.

The team jogged back to the locker room while the last of the spectators filtered into the stadium. We didn't quite have front row seats, but we were a few rows back, and would have a good view of the game. At least, I hoped so. I didn't say so out loud, but I also hoped I had a good view of Conrad's ass.

What? Okay, he wasn't quite as big as the Incredible Hulk, but I found him impressive. He'd never be interested in me, but the tension between us during our tutoring sessions was hard to ignore.

I didn't think he realised it, but I knew he looked down the front of my shirt. Maybe I should have found that embarrassing,but I didn't. Part of me wanted him to see. Maybe even to reach out and touch.

Of course he hadn't. I hadn't expected him to, in spite of the reaction from his…inside his pants.

The start of the game drew my attention back to the field. The center snapped the ball. Conrad grabbed it and took off.

From that point, the game was almost over. The opposition never even looked like catching the Dragonflies. Conrad was everywhere, running, catching, being a football god.

The crowd adored it. From the way they chanted his name, they adored him.

I didn't blame them.

The Dragonflies won by a mile. The crowd went wild. Stamping, applauding, cheering. Now Conrad relaxed and waved to the crowds.

The cheerleaders led the final cheer, then ran onto the field. They surrounded the guys, but three or four surrounded Conrad. They put their arms around him. After a moment he did the same to them. One of his hands was just above the rear of one of the girls. Close enough to suggest he wanted to put it there, but far enough away that if anyone took a photo, it wouldn't look too embarrassing.

He leaned down to whisper in the ear of one of the cheerleaders. Then the other. They both laughed and nodded.