Page 15 of Sidelined

Naturally, my imagination went crazy. Maybe he didn't invite them both to join him in bed later, but maybe he did. Neither looked like they'd object too much.

I shot up out of my seat. "We should go."

"There's an after game party," Grace said. "I managed to get us both invited. I bet Conrad will be there." She stood and hooked an arm through mine. "Come on, it'll be fun."

"I don't think so," I said slowly. "I should get home."

"Sooner or later you should do something fun." Grace’s tone was almost accusing.

I unwound my arm from hers. "You go if you want. I'm just not in the mood."

She looked at me for a moment, then shrugged. "Fine. I'll have fun for us." She turned around and stomped away down the line of bleachers.

I raised a hand and started to say her name, but dropped it and closed my mouth. She wasn't my babysitter. We didn't have to doeverythingtogether. Maybe she was right, I should have some fun once in a while. Just…not tonight.

I trudged through the bleachers, and toward the exit. The departing crowds were still thick, and I found myself caught up in them. Everyone was smiling, laughing and talking about the game. Any other time, their joy might be infectious. Right now though all I could think of was Conrad and those two girls. It was stupid to be annoyed at people whose names I didn't even know. They probably weren’t even doing what I thought they were doing.

No one ever said love was rational.

Wait. Love? Was that what it was? Or was it just a crush?

I sighed so loudly the woman next to me glanced at me in concern. I gave her a wan smile and looked away.

Whatever it was, I had to get over it. I told myself often enough, he would never be into a girl like me. Why was it so hard to convince myself of that?

I headed to the car park, and searched for my little red hatchback. I had arrived early enough to park close to school, but now I was a long way from the exit. I'd have to wait for approximately a bajillion cars to drive out first.

I leaned against the outside of my car and closed my eyes.

When I opened again, I was looking right at Conrad. As far as I can tell, he hadn't seen me. He was with one of thecheerleaders. He'd changed out of his football uniform, and now wore a pair of worn jeans and a dark hoodie.

I couldn't hear what they were talking about, but every couple of minutes she'd laugh at something he said.

She put a hand on his upper arm and spoke softly.

He nodded and opened the passenger door of the car beside him. His, I presumed.

She smiled, showing a perfect set of teeth in a perfect face, with perfect skin, and perfect hair. With her perfect body, and perfect breasts, she got into the car.

He closed the door behind her and walked around to the driver's side.

Before he got in, he glanced around as if looking to see who watched him.

I ducked down between cars so he wouldn't see me. My heart raced like crazy. The last thing I wanted was for him to think I was some weird stalker.

Of course, I should have remained standing. All I was doing was leaning against my car waiting for the traffic to clear. I had a perfectly legitimate reason for being where I was. Just because I was staring, and maybe shooting daggers out of my eyes at the other girl…

In case anyone saw me crouch beside my car, I pretended to pick up my keys and slowly rose.

I glanced around, but no one was looking my way.

Conrad, the girl, and his car were gone.

I realised then that the car park was almost empty. I almost considered ringing Grace to find out the address of the party. But I knew with near certainty that Conrad would be there. And wherever he was, was somewhere I had to avoid. At least until I got him out of my system.

Chapter Eight