Page 13 of Sidelined

"I do want to," I said without knowing what she was planning to pull out. Whatever it was, I was down for it. Especially if she pulled out a box of condoms.

Instead, she pulled out a DVD. "Have you seen this?"

I shook my head. "I don't go to the movies much." Ever since Mum got sick, money was too tight for things like that.

I read the title. "The Avengers. Is that based on that English show from, like a hundred years ago?"

She looked at me like she wasn't sure if I was joking or not. "The Avengers. Like, superheroes and stuff."

"Oh. I knew that," I lied. "Like Superman?"

Her lips moved for a moment. "Kinda. I mean, he's DC but, along those lines."

I frowned "DC?"

She shook her head. "It doesn't matter. The point is, I thought you might enjoy it. I mean, if you want to watch it?"

"I already said I did, didn't I?" It didn't matter that I thought she was referring to something else completely. If she liked it, then the least I could do was try it.

I took the DVD out of her hand and carried it over to put the disc into the machine.

While it was getting started, I microwaved some popcorn for us, without butter or salt, and put it into a big bowl. I thought about making two bowls, but it seemed like too much of a hassle. Besides, if my fingers brushed hers once in a while, then where was the harm in it?

I put the bowl between us, and placed my feet on the coffee table.

The movie started running, and I was soon engrossed in the world of superheroes and bad guys, action and laughs. Every so often, I'd turn to look at Bec. Her blue eyes were locked on the screen, and her lips were turned up in a soft smile. I wanted to touch her lips with my fingers, but I didn't want to distract her from her obvious enjoyment.

Also, the movie kept sucking me back in.

"That guy is cool," I said at one stage. He was running around being a badass with a bow and arrow. I tried archery once, it's a lot harder than it looks. Taking out bad guys like that was pretty epic.

"That's Hawkeye," Bec said without taking her eyes off the screen. "He just proves you don't need superpowers when you have mad skills."

"That's true," I said. "Sometimes all you need to save the world is a lot of hard work and a kickass weapon. But it helps to have a friend who is big and green."

She laughed.

I wasn't sure if it was at me, or the movie. Either way, I liked the sound of it.

"As long as your inner big green guy is under control," she said.

"Not a chance," he said. "He's almost as cut as I am."

She snorted.

"What? I asked jokingly. "If I was green, you wouldn't be able to tell me and Hulk apart." I flexed.

"Of course not," she replied lightly. "Just be glad you're not green."

"Every day, I thank my lucky stars I'm not," I joked.

She shook her head and laughed.

"The dude in the suit is cool too," I said, nodding toward the screen. "Not as cool as Hawkeye."

I wondered if I could somehow adopt that as a nickname. Or part of it.

Conrad 'Hawk' Florence had a ring to it.